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Random crashes with Transport Fever 2


Hi Intel


Over the weekend I've upgraded from a GeForce GTX 780 to an Arc A750 having now seen that Elite Dangerous runs on it, as overjoyed as I was, it's been tainted by finding the other game I enjoy playing - Transport Fever 2 (TF2) - is experiencing random crashes on the A750. I've never seen a crash with it on the GTX 780 so I am assuming the A750 is definitely the culprit here. The PC itself doesn't crash (i.e. no BSoDs just the game itself is crashing and generating it's own crash dump files and still managing to autosave position). The crashes tend to happen when you're heavily interacting with the UI in the game, i.e. have a number of dialogs open to do various things but there seems to be no one thing that makes it crash but it's crashed several times today, each after it's been running for about 5 or 10 minutes, like this:


I'm using version of the ARC drivers and is a clean install since I've just installed the card!

Transport Fever 2 is available from Steam

Graphics settings are set to the preset of "Very High" and not customised from that.

PSU is a FSP 650W unit.

Hope you can get somewhere with getting the drivers to work well with this game please, I'd hate to have to return this GPU as otherwise it seems really good value for the money!

Please tell me if you need any more information Intel. 

Good luck Intel and thanks in advance!


Edit: Have been playing it for about an hour or so this evening and it hasn't crashed and then suddenly, it froze and seconds later crashed with a MessageBox appearing showing this exception message text:


"Error message: Device lost error: there was a problem with the graphic card"


Which occured in memory_util::HandleVideoOutOfMemory, so it seems to be that GPU video memory ran out, which seems very odd, and suggests a memory leak somewhere? 

What I was doing at this exact moment just before the crash is having created a new route line, I tried to rename it. It froze on trying to render the edit control so I could change the name of the line. All the crashes have been when interacting with controls in the UI not purely while working with the game landscape itself.

After that, while reading the crash logs, the PC then decided to die completely and with it freezing a minute or so later and suddenly rebooting. Clearly whatever happened resulted in the driver itself crashing soon after. Curiously in Windows Logs -> System, around that time is a warning: "Display driver igfxnd stopped responding and has successfully recovered." Well obviously it didn't recover for long!

I've attached the crash logs from the game from the most recent crash along with the save game state, perhaps this will help you when investigating/trying to recreate this crash yourselves. 




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10 Replies

Hello AndrewHolland

Thank you for posting Intel® ARC™ Graphics Communites. We appreciate your preference and are happy to take a look at this crashing issue in Transport Fever 2 in order to help out.

I see you already updated to our latest driver version, however, I would like to confirm if you used Display Driver Uninstaller to uninstaller previous NVIDIA driver, if not yet, follow the instructions and delete both NVIDIA and the Intel driver installation and while in safe mode reinstall the driver 4644 to ensure the cleanest possible installation and that we do not have any conflicting driver files.

I would also like to confirm id Resizable Bar has been enabled on your system since we recommend this setting to be enabled to get the most performance and compatibility. If not enabled, you can search for the setting within the BIOS menu.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hello AndrewHolland

I wanted to check if you were able to test the driver uninstalling previous traces with Display Driver Uninstaller. In case the issue still happens let us know if you have Resizable Bar enabled on your system.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hi Hugo.
Thanks for the responses. I can confirm that I have had resizable bar enabled on my system from the start with the A750. I hadn't previously done the install using DDU first, but in light of your post I have now carried that out and reinstalled the driver accordingly. I am currently away from home until next week so can't retest if that has fixed the issue yet however. So please leave this open for a couple of weeks to allow me time to test and report back. Thanks!

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Hello AndrewHolland

Thank you for letting us know. understand you need more time to test if the troubleshooting helped get this issue resolved so we will monitor the thread a few days so you have the time for testing.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hello AndrewHolland

I wanted to check back if you had the chance to test Transport Fever 2 after the DDU driver installation that you did. Let us know in case the issue is still happening, or in case you need more time to test let us know as well.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hello AndrewHolland

Have you had the chance to check if the crashes still occur on Transport Fever 2? I also wanted to let you know there have been a couple of driver updates since the last one we recommended, so if the game is still experiencing crashes we recommend testing the latest driver

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hello AndrewHolland

We will be closing this thread since we have not received a response so far, if you happen to still experience this issue even after the recommended driver updates or need further assistance with any other problem, feel free to open a new topic.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

0 Kudos

Hi Hugo,


I've finally managed to try it again tonight, now with driver 5074, while using the Vehicle Manager to configure a vehicle, it crashed again, twice, dump files attached. 


Do you need me to start a new topic really or can you just continue this one? Seems a bit odd to create a new one, but will if necessary.


Regards, Andrew/ 

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I am having this issue as well and was really hoping that this thread would be revived so we can get Transport Fever 2 working. I have attached two of my latest crash dump files (of the many). I did all the steps with DDU and installing drivers again in safe mode with no success.

I rarely get more than 5-10 minutes without a crash which is no way to play a game. There was one time where I lowered the GPU Power Limit to 200W and that worked for a bit longer, but then it was back to crashes every 5-10 minutes. Now, the time between crashes is getting shorter and shorter, with the latest taking about a minute. I cannot find any correlation between what I am doing in the game to when crashes happen.

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I've not managed to resolve this yet either, but I've found a work around to stop the crashes, I've discovered that from TF2's main menu if you select Settings -> Graphics -> GraphicAPI -> OpenGL instead of Vulkan then it doesn't crash anywhere near as much. The frame rate isn't as high but it's massively more stable!

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