Intel® Business Client Software Development
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Bare Metal provisioning

New Contributor II


Im trying to configure AMT using remote configuration (Bare metal provisioning -PKI) and AMT client is not sending hello packet. Details below

AMT version is 6.0.30-build 1203 and OEM is Acer

I have provisionserver which is listening on port 9971, DHCP is enabled with option 15.

I went to MEBx manually, changed the default password, set Manageability Mode to AMT (Manageability Feature Selection to Enabled)and restarted the system. I didnt get any hello messages from AMT client.

I have a menu in MEBx Start configuration under RCFG(Intel ME General Settings -> Remote setup and Configuration -> RCFG ->Start Configuration)

If I select Start Configuration, AMT client start sending Hello packets and provisionserver receives Hello packet, configured the AMT successfully.

As per the documentation, AMT will start sending Hellopackets to provisionserver as soon as connected to network, but in the case of bare metal provisioning its not sending hello packets.

Do we need to select Start Configuration in MEBx menu manually for bare metal provision?

If we have set Manageability mode set to AMT by OEM and if we connect to network, will AMT Send hello packets automatically to provisionserver without changing anything in MEBx manually?

What will be the default setting for Manageability mode when shipped from factory?

Please explain the process of sending hello packets from AMT machine for bare metal provisioning.


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1 Reply
Hi Mani,
After consulting with the experts, they have requested that you re-post your questions to the vPro Expert Center. The link is here: If you scroll down the page, you can see that Step 6 is "Consult the Experts". They should be able to help you with all your setup and configuration issues.

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