Intel® Business Client Software Development
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MeshCommander MSI Switches?


Hi - Has anyone has any luck in deploying the MeshCommanderMSI silently via SCCM?

I'm trying to deploy it to a number of  machines silently on our Service Desk.  Installing manually works fine (EULA screen, SCCM/IIS8 screens accepted) but it fails when deployed silently.  I'm guessing the MSI might be trying to ask for something or a requirement is missing.  If i enable debugging in msiexec the first error 3 i get are :

StartIIS7ConfigTransaction:  Failed to back up applicationHost, not found - continuing
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges:  Error 0x80040154: Failed to open AppHostWritableAdminManager to configure IIS7
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges:  Error 0x80040154: WriteIIS7ConfigChanges Failed.

i tried with ACCEPT_EULA=YES and it was the same error.

Anyone else been sucessful?

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