Intel® Business Client Software Development
Support for Intel® vPro™ software development and technologies associated with Intel vPro platforms.

Perl Scripts for AMT access


There is a new download available that contains perl scripts that allow several different AMT actions to be triggered via Perl script.

Some of the functions/actions supported are:

  • Controlling power states
  • Reading list of hardware assets
  • Reading error log
  • Reading and modifying information stored in flash memory
  • Changing network settings (DHCP2static, static2static, static2DHCP)
  • Reading and changing AMT hostname and reading domain
  • Changing AMT Administrator's password

    For more details on how you can use these scripts, you can view Gael's blog post at or the article on ISN at Make sure to look at the Intel AMT scripts guide that is hyperlinked on both pages for all of the details.

  • Andy

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