Intel® Business Client Software Development
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802.11n & vPro Support

in either Santa Rosa or Montevina is 802.11n supported? I'm running into issues with 802.11n not giving out an ip address to the MEBx.. any ideas?
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3 Replies
in either Santa Rosa or Montevina is 802.11n supported? I'm running into issues with 802.11n not giving out an ip address to the MEBx.. any ideas?

I do know that with 802.11n, there are limitations for support. With 802.11n, the 20 Mhz channels are supported, and there is no 11n rates support. Also, for wireless in generalopen networks and WEP aren't supported.

Could you go into a little more details on the circumstances, and what you're trying to do? Is the primary problem that you can't connect wirelessly when the system is on or off?

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I have a silly question. Josh - you added the wireless profile to the ME, correct? (while the system was "wired"?)
Can you check the Web UI and verify that the profile is there in AMT? Also verify the IP address that is assigned as well. If the ME host and the OS host is not the same you might getA different IP address assigned to the ME than what was assigned for the host. 802.11n works but it may also be the brand of your router, being Apple, which might be the problem.
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Updating from Facebook comments....

The AP in Question
I found this on your Router specs: (can you turn this off? or set it up so port 16992 / 16993 are not blocked? if that's happening...)

Barring the network door.
AirPort Extreme includes a built-in firewall that creates a barrier between your network and the Internet, protecting your data from malicious Internet attacks. When you set up the base station, the firewall is automatically turned on to keep the bad guys out. For computers with a cable or DSL modem, using AirPort is actually safer than being directly connected to the modem.

Here is an interesting question/compatibility issue I found:

And another link that hints at a possible incompatibility with the ME.

Accessing the wireless network requires an AirPort- or AirPort Extreme-enabled computer or other Wi-Fi Certified 802.11a/b/g-enabled computer. All Mac computers with Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Xeon processors except the Mac mini support the 802.11n technology in AirPort Extreme.

I dunno... Is the AMT/ME compatible with Airport Extreme? (Does anyone on this forum have experience with Airport Extreme and AMT??) I think I'd go with the Linksys router....
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