Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC
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Issue when using Media Analytics Server: stalled video analyzer


I'm trying to get the supplied Face detection OpenVINO Media Analytics plugin working as described in, but I'm stuck doing so. I configured the system and got below output once in a worker log, but could never reproduce it ever since. I'm configuring the Collaboration Suite 4.1.

to initialize video analyzer 
Failed to dlopen 
Video analytics engine init OK. 
2019-03-26 13:36:35.639 - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: '5672' } 
sender initialized as rpc server ok. 
received request from controller to start analytics. 
Pre-Joining to MCU with token:"xxx" 
Joining to MCU with token:"xxx" 
start analytics ok! 
[2019-03-26 13:36:35] [connect] Successful connection 
[2019-03-26 13:36:35] [connect] WebSocket Connection v-2 "WebSocket++/0.7.0" / 101 
Connected to MCU 
Requested stream id is:151645106555232900 
current parsed stream id is:5c4f054c768a2211be3b8be6-common 
current parsed stream id is:151645106555232900 
subscribing stream start! 
Publishing the stream start....... 
Subscription succeed! 
Successfully publishing the stream 
2019-03-26 14:12:26.326 - WARN: VideoAnalyticsNode - Exiting on SIGTERM 
exiting analytics worker

Since then I am only getting below output in the worker logs, I already tried restarting the collaboration suite and media analyzer systems and restarting the machine:

to initialize video analyzer
Failed to dlopen 
Video analytics engine init OK.
2019-03-26 14:49:04.125 - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: '5672' }
sender initialized as rpc server ok.
received request from controller to start analytics.

As you can see it stalls while calling the "engine.addAnalyticsForStream" and never gets to the callback() function. Then, after 6 seconds or so in the analyzer logs I get the message that there was a timeout while doing the RPC call.

Because I cannot see what happens in the VideoAnalyzer engine, I'm kind of stuck here.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?

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