Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC
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how can do I tell if a received message is direct, or a public/room message?

New Contributor I

Hello, I'm currently rebuilding my site from 3.5.2 to 4.0.1. Using the javascript sdk.


Before, on 3.5.2, when I would receive a message (from the conference.send function) I would be able to see who it was sent 'to' by looking at the

When this would contain "all", I would know that this message was sent publically and seen by everyone, and could treat it as a public message.

When this didn't contain "all", I knew it was a private message.


On 4.0... This "to" part seems to not exist anymore. When I receive a message event, I receive message, origin, type. A received message sent to everyone and a received message sent exclusively look identical and I can't tell them apart.

For privacy and security reasons, I can't just add the "to" back on the sending side, I need it to be validated at the server side like it was.

Could you direct me to what part in the conference files I would need to change to bring this feature back? I would really like to see this feature brought back as I think it is important to know under what circumstances the message was sent.

Thanks for your help.

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3 Replies

Thanks for your feedback, we will add this function in 4.1 release since it is useful for you, stay tuned

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New Contributor I

Thanks Qiujiao I look forward to that!

Since you're in a giving mood, I do have another similar feature request.

I would like to be able to send a "system" message from the samplertcservice.js . Either directly, or to all users.

It would also be nice to be able to say to users "system will restart in 5 minutes" or something, without having to be physically present in the room. It will also help inform people when they have been kicked, banned, or something else. Seems like a useful feature to have and I would have a lot of freedom if users could receive custom messages from the server.

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Hi, Stephen, we will consider your suggestion but definitely not in coming release for time limit.

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