Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC
Community support and discussions on the Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC (Intel® CS for WebRTC). internal ip address issue



Very new at this technology.  Was happy to see you guys release something to play with.

I am currently testing the sample app with the conferencing server.  I am running into an issue when going to page xxx:3001/?room=e343fd322....

It tries to communicate to a instance at the INTERNAL address of the web server this software is running on.  I have tried to set the public ip address of the server in all the config files I can find.  Where is it pulling that internal address from?

Also is there any plans moving forward to have some sort of client for the IOS?

Thank you so much,


0 Kudos
7 Replies

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your tryout.

For the multiple-server-ip case, you can use the"publicIP" variable in "runtime.config.json" file in conf folder in order to setup the right IP address for MCU server.

For the client in iOS, yes, we're moving towards that, and it will appear in future release.

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hi friend, WebRTC is available for c language?



0 Kudos

Hi Judlup,

There is no C SDK in our solution currently.

0 Kudos

Hi, I'm having the same problem in the latest version of the suite. When I connect through VPN the internal IP is used for communications when I navigate to https://publicip:3004. Where can I configure this? 

0 Kudos

Hi, do you mean that you want to set the server's address manually?

If so, you can edit the “ip_address" or "hostname" in the portal/portal.toml file

0 Kudos

Hello Li,

I've tried doing this:

~/Intel/Release-v4.1$ bin/
stopping nuve.
stopping cluster-manager.
stopping audio-agent.
stopping conference-agent.
stopping recording-agent.
stopping sip-agent.
stopping streaming-agent.
stopping video-agent.
stopping webrtc-agent.
no management-console to stop
no portal to stop
stopping sip-portal
no app to stop

Edited portal.toml, section [portal] to these bogus values:

keystorePath = "./cert/certificate.pfx"
hostname = "" #default: ""
ip_address = "" #default: ""
# Port that the server listens at.
port = 8080 #default: 8080
ssl = true #default: true

Then I started the Collaboration suite again:

~/Intel/Release-v4.1$ bin/
starting nuve, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-nuve.stdout
starting cluster-manager, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-cluster-manager.stdout
2019-01-28 10:27:15.389  - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672 }
2019-01-28 10:27:15.403  - INFO: Main - Cluster manager up! id: 85041520
2019-01-28 10:27:15.404  - INFO: ClusterManager - Run as candidate.
2019-01-28 10:27:15.426  - INFO: ClusterManager - Someone else became master.
2019-01-28 10:27:15.428  - INFO: ClusterManager - Run as slave.
starting audio-agent, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-audio-agent.stdout
2019-01-28 10:27:16.899  - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672 }
2019-01-28 10:27:16.945  - INFO: ErizoAgent - audio agent join cluster ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:17.005  - INFO: ClusterWorker - Join cluster woogeen-cluster OK.
2019-01-28 10:27:17.015  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as rpc server ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:17.021  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as monitoring target ok.
starting conference-agent, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-conference-agent.stdout
2019-01-28 10:27:18.158  - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672 }
2019-01-28 10:27:18.176  - INFO: ErizoAgent - conference agent join cluster ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:18.188  - INFO: ClusterWorker - Join cluster woogeen-cluster OK.
2019-01-28 10:27:18.208  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as rpc server ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:18.213  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as monitoring target ok.
starting recording-agent, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-recording-agent.stdout
2019-01-28 10:27:19.647  - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672 }
2019-01-28 10:27:19.668  - INFO: ErizoAgent - recording agent join cluster ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:19.694  - INFO: ClusterWorker - Join cluster woogeen-cluster OK.
2019-01-28 10:27:19.703  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as rpc server ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:19.705  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as monitoring target ok.
starting sip-agent, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-sip-agent.stdout
2019-01-28 10:27:20.446  - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672 }
2019-01-28 10:27:20.470  - INFO: ErizoAgent - sip agent join cluster ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:20.482  - INFO: ClusterWorker - Join cluster woogeen-cluster OK.
2019-01-28 10:27:20.490  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as rpc server ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:20.492  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as monitoring target ok.
starting streaming-agent, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-streaming-agent.stdout
2019-01-28 10:27:21.455  - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672 }
2019-01-28 10:27:21.483  - INFO: ErizoAgent - streaming agent join cluster ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:21.512  - INFO: ClusterWorker - Join cluster woogeen-cluster OK.
2019-01-28 10:27:21.526  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as rpc server ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:21.528  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as monitoring target ok.
starting video-agent, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-video-agent.stdout
2019-01-28 10:27:22.638  - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672 }
2019-01-28 10:27:22.658  - INFO: ErizoAgent - video agent join cluster ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:22.688  - INFO: ClusterWorker - Join cluster woogeen-cluster OK.
2019-01-28 10:27:22.697  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as rpc server ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:22.702  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as monitoring target ok.
starting webrtc-agent, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-webrtc-agent.stdout
2019-01-28 10:27:23.883  - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672 }
2019-01-28 10:27:23.904  - INFO: ErizoAgent - webrtc agent join cluster ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:23.914  - INFO: ClusterWorker - Join cluster woogeen-cluster OK.
2019-01-28 10:27:23.922  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as rpc server ok.
2019-01-28 10:27:23.924  - INFO: ErizoAgent - as monitoring target ok.
starting management-console, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-management-console.stdout
Start management-console HTTP server
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::3300
    at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (net.js:1360:14)
    at listenInCluster (net.js:1401:12)
    at Server.listen (net.js:1485:7)
    at Function.listen (/home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/management_console/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:618:24)
starting portal, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-portal.stdout
2019-01-28 10:27:25.930  - INFO: AmqpClient - Connecting to rabbitMQ server OK, hostPort: { host: 'localhost', port: 5672 }
2019-01-28 10:27:25.941  - INFO: Main - portal initializing as rpc client ok
2019-01-28 10:27:25.964  - INFO: Main - portal join cluster ok, with rpcID:
2019-01-28 10:27:25.964  - INFO: ClusterWorker - Join cluster woogeen-cluster OK.
2019-01-28 10:27:25.969  - INFO: Main - portal initializing as rpc server ok
2019-01-28 10:27:25.974  - INFO: Main - as monitor ready
starting sip-portal, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-sip-portal.stdout
starting app, stdout -> /home/talentlab/Downloads/Release-v4.1/logs/woogeen-app.stdout

When I navigate to which currently displays the default Sample portal and check the Chrome developer tools to see which address connects to, it is still "".

I see an exception occurring during startup, but I don't think this might be the problem? Although it does seem it isn't able to listen on some address/port.

Also, during, I see the message "no portal to stop", so I might be jumping to conclusions to quickly, but it does seem portal.toml is not loaded because there is no portal running?

Help is appreciated! :)

0 Kudos

Ah, it looks like its reacting to the change now after restarting the box. Stopping and starting the suite now results in correct behavior. Thanks for pointing me out to the correct configuration file.

0 Kudos