Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC
Community support and discussions on the Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC (Intel® CS for WebRTC).
1146 Discussions

[v3.2 defect] init script always disables openh264


After running v3.2 init script, the openh264 will always be disabled. This is a product defect and will be fixed in next patch release.

There are 3 ways to address this issue temporarily as following,

1. Modify the openh264Enabled flag in Release-v3.2/video_agent/agent.toml after running init script.

2. Set openh264Enabled flag again in Release-v3.2/video_agent/agent.toml if that's changed before running init script.

3. Apply the patch in attachment to replace the init script file at Release-v3.2/video_agent/

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