Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC
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1150 Discussions

webrtc3.4 ClusterManager "Invalid specified scheduling strategy: isp"


2017-07-05 17:09:54.820  - WARN: Strategy - Invalid specified scheduling strategy: isp , apply "randomly-pick" instead.




2017-07-05 17:09:55.041  - WARN: Strategy - Invalid specified scheduling strategy: isp , apply "randomly-pick" instead.


host = "localhost" #default: "localhost"
port = 5672 #default: 5672

name = "woogeen-cluster"

#The time for cluster manager getting ready to handle the incoming 'schedule' requirements.
initial_time = 6000 #ms

#The interval of checking the attendences of all cluster workers.
check_alive_interval = 1000 #ms

#The threshold count of consecutive absences after which the corresponding cluster workers will be deleted.
check_alive_count = 3

#The default reservation time if not specified in the scheduling requirement.
schedule_reserve_time = 60000 #ms

general = "last-used"
portal = "isp"
session = "last-used"
webrtc = "isp"
sip = "round-robin"
avstream = "round-robin"
recording = "randomly-pick"
audio = "most-used"
video = "least-used"

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1 Reply

Hi, isp is not a strategy option for modules schedule,  MCU only support following strategies defined in cluster_manager.toml :

last-used, round-robin, randomly-pick,  most-used,  least-used

If you want to use isp features, following steps below:

1. configure isp and region value in portal/portal.toml  for portal module

2. configure isp and region value in webrtc_agent/agent.toml  for webrtc module

3. set isp and region in createToken  preference API, then this user's connection will be scheduled to portal and webrtc module that satisfied isp and region info

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