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this is to report that with 2022.2.1 version of Intel python interpreter, typing <TAB> for completion segfaults.
No problem with previous version
Stephane Rouberol
Python 3.9.13 (main, Oct 19 2022, 17:23:07)
[GCC 11.2.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
inf03: ~ >
inf03: ~ > /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2021.1.1-44/intelpython/python3.7/bin/python
Python 3.7.9 (default, Nov 4 2020, 21:30:07)
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
ArithmeticError( AssertionError( AttributeError( BaseException(
BlockingIOError( BrokenPipeError( BufferError( BytesWarning(
ChildProcessError( ConnectionAbortedError( ConnectionError( ConnectionRefusedError(
ConnectionResetError( DeprecationWarning( EOFError( Ellipsis.
EnvironmentError( Exception( False FileExistsError(
FileNotFoundError( FloatingPointError( FutureWarning( GeneratorExit(
IOError( ImportError( ImportWarning( IndentationError(
IndexError( InterruptedError( IsADirectoryError( KeyError(
KeyboardInterrupt( LookupError( MemoryError( ModuleNotFoundError(
NameError( None NotADirectoryError( NotImplemented.
NotImplementedError( OSError( OverflowError( PendingDeprecationWarning(
PermissionError( ProcessLookupError( RecursionError( ReferenceError(
ResourceWarning( RuntimeError( RuntimeWarning( StopAsyncIteration(
StopIteration( SyntaxError( SyntaxWarning( SystemError(
SystemExit( TabError( TimeoutError( True
TypeError( UnboundLocalError( UnicodeDecodeError( UnicodeEncodeError(
UnicodeError( UnicodeTranslateError( UnicodeWarning( UserWarning(
ValueError( Warning( ZeroDivisionError( __annotations__['
__build_class__( __debug__ __doc__. __import__(
__loader__( __name__ __package__. __spec__.
abs( all( and any(
as ascii( assert async
await bin( bool( break
breakpoint( bytearray( bytes( callable(
chr( class classmethod( compile(
complex( continue copyright( credits(
def del delattr( dict(
dir( divmod( elif else
enumerate( eval( except exec(
exit( filter( finally: float(
for format( from frozenset(
getattr( global globals( hasattr(
hash( help( hex( id(
if import in input(
int( is isinstance( issubclass(
iter( lambda len( license(
list( locals( map( max(
memoryview( min( next( nonlocal
not object( oct( open(
or ord( pass pow(
print( property( quit( raise
range( repr( return reversed(
round( set( setattr( slice(
sorted( staticmethod( str( sum(
super( try: tuple( type(
vars( while with yield
>>> ^D
inf03: ~ >
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Hi Stephane,
This command may solve your segmentation fault issue. Give it a try.
conda uninstall pyeditline --offline
Link Copied
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Thank you for posting in Intel Communities.
In order to reproduce your issue, could you please share the below details.
- OS Details.
- Processor Details.
- Are you running Intel Python on any virtual machine?
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Hi thank you for answering
- the problem occurs on both CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) and CentOS Stream release 8
- x86_64: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4216 CPU @ 2.10GHz and AMD EPYC 7272 12-Core Processor
- test is on bare metal
Stephane Rouberol
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Since Centos 7.9 is deprecated you are facing this issue, we were able to install and run Intel Python on Centos 8 without any issues. Attaching screenshot for your reference.
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imho your screenshot is not linked to the raised problem.
Did you try <TAB> as first python cmd as described in my first report?
BTW I am astonished by your statement about CentOS 7 being deprecated
since it is the most recent version of 7 and
2022.3.1 cites indeed CentOS 7 as supported
Thanks for your feedback anyway
Stephane Rouberol
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The 2022 release of Intel Python mentions CentOS 7 in the list of deprecated OS. PFB screenshot for your reference.
We were unable to reproduce your segmentation fault issue with <TAB> as we had issues while installing in CentOS 7.
But we were able to install successfully in CentOS 8 without issues and <TAB> is working fine. Please try in CentOS 8 and let us know if the issue still persists.
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We have not heard back from you. Could you please provide the updates?
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[root@io08 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111
[root@io08 ~]# /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2023.0.0.25636/intelpython/python3.9/bin/python
Python 3.9.15 (main, Nov 11 2022, 13:58:57)
[GCC 11.2.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[root@io08 ~]#
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We tried it on the Cascade Lake machine with CentOS 8, and it is working fine. We'd like to know whether your CentOS 8 machine is having Intel or AMD processor.
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We tried from our end It's working fine with Intel Processor. Intel Distribution for Python doesn't support AMD Processor. Please refer below screenshot and link.
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OK, as stated before, tab works OK with 2021.1.1-44 on AMD
so this is a regression.
I understand that since most of my hw is AMD now, I won't get any support form this canal.
Unsolved for me!
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We are working on it internally. We will get back to you with an update.
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Hi Stephane, I have taken over your case. I've read the posts and here's my understanding so far:
- The issue you are facing is you get a segmentation fault when you press 'tab' on Intel Python 2022.2.1 but no issue on 2021.1.1-44
- You saw this on CentOS 7.9 and 8.5 on an AMD EPYC processor
From Aayushi's responses and my understanding, your original setup does not meet the hardware and software requirements to use Intel Distribution for Python. You addressed the software requirement by upgrading to CentOS 8. But since you are using an AMD EPYC processor, this problem is outside of our scope.
As a developer myself, I understand the inconvenience this causes you but Intel Distribution for Python is designed for Intel Core and Xeon processors. Hardware and software continually get updates, and sometimes certain features are no longer supported. It is interesting that you're able to get Intel Distribution for Python 2021.1.1-44 working to some extent. Your options are to avoid using 'tabs' on 2022.2.1, go back to 2021.1.1-44, or try using another version.
Let me know what you think.
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As I suspected, the problem does not seem to be cpu related.
I could run the same test on an Intel RHEL 8.7 clone server, with same behaviour:
h01: ~ > cat /etc/redhat-release
Rocky Linux release 8.7 (Green Obsidian)
h01: ~ > grep -m1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4650 v4 @ 2.20GHz
h01: ~ > /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2021.4.0.3353/intelpython/python3.7/bin/python
Python 3.7.11 (default, Sep 9 2021, 02:06:38)
[GCC 9.3.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
ArithmeticError( AssertionError( AttributeError( BaseException( BlockingIOError( BrokenPipeError( BufferError(
BytesWarning( ChildProcessError( ConnectionAbortedError( ConnectionError( ConnectionRefusedError( ConnectionResetError( DeprecationWarning(
EOFError( Ellipsis. EnvironmentError( Exception( False FileExistsError( FileNotFoundError(
FloatingPointError( FutureWarning( GeneratorExit( IOError( ImportError( ImportWarning( IndentationError(
IndexError( InterruptedError( IsADirectoryError( KeyError( KeyboardInterrupt( LookupError( MemoryError(
ModuleNotFoundError( NameError( None NotADirectoryError( NotImplemented. NotImplementedError( OSError(
OverflowError( PendingDeprecationWarning( PermissionError( ProcessLookupError( RecursionError( ReferenceError( ResourceWarning(
RuntimeError( RuntimeWarning( StopAsyncIteration( StopIteration( SyntaxError( SyntaxWarning( SystemError(
SystemExit( TabError( TimeoutError( True TypeError( UnboundLocalError( UnicodeDecodeError(
UnicodeEncodeError( UnicodeError( UnicodeTranslateError( UnicodeWarning( UserWarning( ValueError( Warning(
ZeroDivisionError( __annotations__[' __build_class__( __debug__ __doc__. __import__( __loader__(
__name__ __package__. __spec__. abs( all( and any(
as ascii( assert async await bin( bool(
break breakpoint( bytearray( bytes( callable( chr( class
classmethod( compile( complex( continue copyright( credits( def
del delattr( dict( dir( divmod( elif else
enumerate( eval( except exec( exit( filter( finally:
float( for format( from frozenset( getattr( global
globals( hasattr( hash( help( hex( id( if
import in input( int( is isinstance( issubclass(
iter( lambda len( license( list( locals( map(
max( memoryview( min( next( nonlocal not object(
oct( open( or ord( pass pow( print(
property( quit( raise range( repr( return reversed(
round( set( setattr( slice( sorted( staticmethod( str(
sum( super( try: tuple( type( vars( while
with yield zip(
>>> ^D
h01: ~ > /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2022.1.0.214/intelpython/python3.9/bin/python
Python 3.9.10 (main, Mar 2 2022, 12:02:00)
[GCC 9.3.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
h01: ~ >
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I noticed your Python versions are different. Can you try using Intel Distribution for Python 2022.2.1 with Python 3.7.11? Python 3.7 is what you had before. Let's minimize the differences between the setup.
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? afaik all versions past 2021.4.0 are python 3.9.x, 2022.2.1.17274 being 3.9.13
h01: ~ > cat /etc/redhat-release
Rocky Linux release 8.7 (Green Obsidian)
h01: ~ > grep -m1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4650 v4 @ 2.20GHz
h01: /softs/intelpython > /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2022.0.1.127/intelpython/python3.9/bin/python
Python 3.9.7 (default, Oct 27 2021, 01:23:21)
[GCC 9.3.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
h01: /softs/intelpython > /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2022.0.2.155/intelpython/python3.9/bin/python
Python 3.9.7 (default, Oct 27 2021, 01:23:21)
[GCC 9.3.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
h01: /softs/intelpython > /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2022.1.0.214/intelpython/python3.9/bin/python
Python 3.9.10 (main, Mar 2 2022, 12:02:00)
[GCC 9.3.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
h01: /softs/intelpython > /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2022.2.0.8762/intelpython/python3.9/bin/python
Python 3.9.12 (main, Aug 29 2022, 00:54:58)
[GCC 11.2.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
h01: /softs/intelpython > /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2022.2.1.17274/intelpython/python3.9/bin/python
Python 3.9.13 (main, Oct 19 2022, 17:23:07)
[GCC 11.2.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
h01: /softs/intelpython > /softs/intelpython/intelpython3-2023.0.0.25636//intelpython/python3.9/bin/python
Python 3.9.15 (main, Nov 11 2022, 13:58:57)
[GCC 11.2.0] :: Intel Corporation on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
h01: /softs/intelpython >
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FYI a vanilla python v3.9.16 built from sources with all default options on Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4216 CPU @ 2.10GHz behaves differently:
- at prompt <tab> completion has no effect
- <tab> completion works OK with an imported module (e.g. sys)
inf03: ~ > /tmp/python-3.9.16/bin/python3
Python 3.9.16 (main, Jan 18 2023, 11:43:37)
[GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-16)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> # <tab>
>>> import sys
>>> sys.
sys.abiflags sys.get_int_max_str_digits( sys.path_importer_cache
sys.addaudithook( sys.getallocatedblocks( sys.platform
sys.api_version sys.getdefaultencoding( sys.platlibdir
sys.argv sys.getdlopenflags( sys.prefix
sys.audit( sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors( sys.ps1
sys.base_exec_prefix sys.getfilesystemencoding( sys.ps2
sys.base_prefix sys.getprofile( sys.pycache_prefix
sys.breakpointhook( sys.getrecursionlimit( sys.set_asyncgen_hooks(
sys.builtin_module_names sys.getrefcount( sys.set_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth(
sys.byteorder sys.getsizeof( sys.set_int_max_str_digits(
sys.call_tracing( sys.getswitchinterval( sys.setdlopenflags(
sys.copyright sys.gettrace( sys.setprofile(
sys.displayhook( sys.hash_info sys.setrecursionlimit(
sys.dont_write_bytecode sys.hexversion sys.setswitchinterval(
sys.exc_info( sys.implementation sys.settrace(
sys.excepthook( sys.int_info sys.stderr
sys.exec_prefix sys.intern( sys.stdin
sys.executable sys.is_finalizing( sys.stdout
sys.exit( sys.maxsize sys.thread_info
sys.flags sys.maxunicode sys.unraisablehook(
sys.float_info sys.meta_path sys.version
sys.float_repr_style sys.modules sys.version_info
sys.get_asyncgen_hooks( sys.path sys.warnoptions
sys.get_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth( sys.path_hooks
>>> sys.exit()
inf03: ~ >
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Hi Stephane,
Thank you for your patience.
I have discussed this with my team and because Intel Distribution for Python is not supported on AMD EPYC, we are not able to provide a solution for you at this time and I will be closing this ticket. I have submitted a feature request to one of our internal teams. Keep an eye out for new releases of Intel Distribution for Python that may offer support.
As of now, we only test Intel software on Intel hardware, but if that changes, I will respond to this thread. This thread will also stay open.
Best regards,
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Imho the "not supported on AMD EPYC" does not apply since I took the pain to show the pb is present with Intel processors as well
It is clearly a regression from intelpython 2021.4.0.3353
Accepted solution? Hum.
Unsolved, 0 Kudos.
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Hi Stephane,
The Intel Xeon processor you're using is CPU E5-4650 v4, which is not in the hardware requirements for Intel Distribution of Python, which is part of the Intel AI Analytics Toolkit. You need to use the Core Gen10 or Xeon Scalable according to the hardware requirements:

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