Intel® Distribution for Python*
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IntelPython Prompt


Dear Ones,

when we install Anconda distribution and will anconda prompt which will auto activate base. So, I wanted same with IntelPyhton, So I Created IntelPython Prompt batch file.

I seen Installation steps of Intel Python, you have to go every time to a installation folder ( C:\IntelPython3 )and Locate Srcipt folder and activate.

every time it is tough task. So I created a batch file which auto runs this process.

1. IntelPython.bat will activate the script folder location.

2. IntelPython Jupyter NoteBook Input location.Bat file will help you  to activate  jupyter notebook by just giving folder  path name running spyder IDE created a batch file.

i hope it will save some at begening of IntelPython

Thank You ,

Kishore Odugu

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