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I've tried to install two versions of Intel Python:
w_pythoni3_p_2020.2.901.zip and
The second version i've listed above is a newer version and comes with installer that fails. I've provided a screenshot of the error. The first version i've listed above is an older one but doesn't work for me without me doing update after the install.
conda update conda
fails and vomits the following nonsense:
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
ERROR conda.core.link:_execute(700): An error occurred while uninstalling package '<unknown>/win-64::tbb4py-2020.3-py37_intel_0'.
Rolling back transaction: done
ValueError('Attempted to make prefix record for unknown package type: tbb4py-2020.3-py37_intel_0')
conda config --add channels intel
vomits the following
Warning: 'intel' already in 'channels' list, moving to the top
Some moderator here was advising somebody here to execute the following command:
conda create -n idp intelpython3_full python=3
Since i didn't know the meaning of the "intelpython3_full" i blindly executed it and didn't work out well.
How does one install Intel Python?
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For Microsoft Windows, I have had some success in the past starting with an installation of Miniconda, and then installing Intel Python though the conda package manager. It looks like a variation on what you tried, except no installer .zip from Intel is involved.
Miniconda: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html
Anaconda.org Package for Intel Python: https://anaconda.org/intel/intelpython3_core
Intel has some documentation that might be relevant at but it may be out-of-date: https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/using-intel-distribution-for-python-with-anaconda.html. I had used the approach of Miniconda and then running conda install -c intel intelpython3_core.
That technique has been successful for me getting an initial Intel Python interpreter, but I usually bump into package dependency issues over time with conda and pip use. Those vary depending on what I am trying to do, so it is not always a perfect solution.
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Thanks for posting in Intel forums.
You can use the latest version of intel python instead of that older one.We tried installing w_pythoni37_oneapi_p_2021.1.1.46_offline.exe and we were able to install it successfully .So try again and if that didn't work then follow the instructions given in this link(https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/using-intel-distribution-for-python-with-anaconda.html) to install intel distribution for python."intelpython3_full" is given for the entire Intel distribution.
Janani Chandran
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Thanks for the reply, but saying that the installer works on your machine doesn't help me at all. Here is what i have tried so far:
Tried the offline installer (2021.1.1) on another PC and the the install didn't crash and successfully installed. However i still cannot run python. After the successful install i tried to follow the following instruction even though it was not clear to me that i needed to do these steps:
Using Intel Distribution for Python with Anaconda
At first i could not do "conda update conda" because i was getting the following:
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): failed
CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <https://conda.anaconda.org/intel/win-64/current_repodata.json>
Elapsed: -
An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.
HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.
Somewhere i read the maybe "conda init" may help fixing my "HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED" errors. It did help, i could do the following commands:
conda config --add channels intel
conda create -n idp intelpython3_full python=3.7
but when i tried to launch "source activate idp" i got:
C:\>C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\scripts\conda activate idp
CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.
If using 'conda activate' from a batch script, change your
invocation to 'CALL conda.bat activate'.
To initialize your shell, run
$ conda init <SHELL_NAME>
Currently supported shells are:
- bash
- cmd.exe
- fish
- tcsh
- xonsh
- zsh
- powershell
See 'conda init --help' for more information and options.
IMPORTANT: You may need to close and restart your shell after running 'conda init'.
I executed "conda init cmd.exe" again and i could initialize the conda, however when i tred to launch python with the IDP active, was getting warning that the IDP is not activated after which i GAVE UP!
Today when i try to launch python i am greeted with the following:
C:\>C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\scripts\conda activate idp
CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.
If using 'conda activate' from a batch script, change your
invocation to 'CALL conda.bat activate'.
To initialize your shell, run
$ conda init <SHELL_NAME>
Currently supported shells are:
- bash
- cmd.exe
- fish
- tcsh
- xonsh
- zsh
- powershell
See 'conda init --help' for more information and options.
IMPORTANT: You may need to close and restart your shell after running 'conda init'.
C:\>C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\scripts\conda list env
# packages in environment at C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7:
# Name Version Build Channel
C:\>C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\scripts\conda update conda
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): failed
CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <https://conda.anaconda.org/intel/win-64/current_repodata.json>
Elapsed: -
An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.
HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.
I do not have any environment, cannot initialize idp ... basically nothing works.
If i try to browse with explorer to the "C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\envs" folder i see that there are two environments - 2021.1.1 and idp
Not sure now conda can be this buggy and forget every command that i executed.
Not sure where to go from here.
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I tried to re-initialize conda by executing "conda init cmd.exe". I did that, got message that i need to restart the shell for the changes to get applied and then i launched "conda init cmd.exe" again and this is what i get:
C:\Users\s205409>C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\scripts\conda init cmd.exe
needs sudo C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\Scripts\conda.exe
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\Scripts\conda-env.exe
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\Scripts\conda-script.py
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\Scripts\conda-env-script.py
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\condabin\conda.bat
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\Library\bin\conda.bat
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\condabin\_conda_activate.bat
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\condabin\rename_tmp.bat
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\condabin\conda_auto_activate.bat
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\condabin\conda_hook.bat
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\Scripts\activate.bat
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\condabin\activate.bat
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\condabin\deactivate.bat
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\Scripts\activate
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\Scripts\deactivate
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\etc\profile.d\conda.sh
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\etc\fish\conf.d\conda.fish
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\shell\condabin\Conda.psm1
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\shell\condabin\conda-hook.ps1
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\Lib\site-packages\xontrib\conda.xsh
no change C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\etc\profile.d\conda.csh
no change HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
No action taken.
Operation failed.
Now, most of them lines say "no change", the first one says "needs sudo" and "conda init" overall still fails - as indicated by "Operation failed" above.
Also what is puzzling is that why the first line needs sudo? I am launching the command prompt as administrator ... What more of a sudo that first line needs???
This time "conda init cmd.exe" did not help with HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED. I still get it.
C:\Users\s205409>C:\IntelPython3oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\scripts\conda update conda
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): failed
CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <https://conda.anaconda.org/intel/win-64/current_repodata.json>
Elapsed: -
An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.
HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.
Python is still not working:
Python 3.7.9 (default, Nov 5 2020, 16:54:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Intel Corporation on win32
This Python interpreter is in a conda environment, but the environment has
not been activated. Libraries may fail to load. To activate this environment
please see https://conda.io/activation
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out: https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
Not sure how to resolve this environment situation.
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Thanks for the update.
Kindly do the following.
1)In Anaconda prompt,create a conda environment idp and install intelpython3_core or intelpython3_full and specify python version.If you have idp environment already then either remove the environment or change the name of the environment.
2)After installing,activate the environment idp.
After activating the environment you will be able to use intelpython.So try the above steps and let us know the update.
Janani Chandran
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Is the issue resolved? Do you have any update?
Janani Chandran
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Nope, the issue is not resolved. The steps you provided have already been tried (as indicated in my previous post) and i already posted that i successfully created environment that worked until i restarted. In my post above i mentioned that i have two folders in the envs folder (2021.1.1 and idp):
and yet the environments do not work.
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Sorry for the delay.
1)If your installation is successful then open a command prompt and goto "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\intelpython\python3.7\env" path and run vars.bat file.
2)Then activate your environment with "conda activate <env>" command.
After activating you should be able to use intelpython.Currently running environment is indicated with * symbol.Kindly find the below screenshot for reference.
3)If this didn't work then go for uninstallation and install a fresh intelpython.
Hope this helps!
Janani Chandran
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Has the solution provided helped? Please let us know if the issue still persists.
Janani Chandran
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We are assuming that the solution provided helped and would no longer be monitoring this issue. Please raise a new thread if you have further issues.
Janani Chandran
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