Intel® Distribution for Python*
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Using Intel Python Distribution in runtime


Hello. I installed Intel Python Distribution on my desktop where i am developing SW using  Anaconda. How i can be sure i am running intel python environment on my desktop and other machines i am trying to run my code. In other words, is any way dynamic usage of intel python distribution? Thank you

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3 Replies

If you are looking for a way to check if intel python is used, then here are 2 ways. Invoke python--'Intel Corporation' will be in the startup message. Or do a 'conda list' and look for intel in the right hand column. If I misinterpreted your question, please ask again.

(idp) rscohn1@fxsatlin01$ python
Python 3.5.2 |Intel Corporation| (default, Oct 20 2016, 03:10:33) 
[GCC 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Intel(R) Distribution for Python is brought to you by Intel Corporation.
Please check out:
>>> exit()
(idp) rscohn1@fxsatlin01$ conda list
# packages in environment at /localdisk/work/rscohn1/miniconda3/envs/idp:
intelpython               2017.0.0                      5    intel
openssl                   1.0.2j                  intel_4  [intel]  intel
pip                       8.1.2              py35_intel_4  [intel]  intel
python                    3.5.2                  intel_19  [intel]  intel
setuptools                23.0.0             py35_intel_4  [intel]  intel
sqlite                    3.13.0                 intel_13  [intel]  intel
tcl                       8.6.4                  intel_15  [intel]  intel
tk                        8.6.4                  intel_15  [intel]  intel
wheel                     0.29.0             py35_intel_4  [intel]  intel
xz                        5.2.2                  intel_14  [intel]  intel
zlib                      1.2.8                   intel_9  [intel]  intel
(idp) rscohn1@fxsatlin01$ 


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Thank you for fast response, Robert.

This means that every machine we are running scripts using Intel Python Distribution, this distribution need to be installed and IDP should be activated?

Thank you


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> This means that every machine we are running scripts using Intel Python Distribution, this distribution need to be installed and IDP should be activated?

It is not necessary to activate it on every machine. If you have a shared file system like NFS, then you only need to install it once as long as the path is the same on all machines. If you are not using NFS, you can install it on one machine and copy it to every machine you want to use it on. Again, the path must be the same on all systems.

Every time you create a new environment that contains Intel Python, you must accept the EULA. This is true whether it is always on the same machine or shared. You can avoid the accept dialog by setting the environment variable ACCEPT_INTEL_PYTHON_EULA to 1. We expect the accept dialog to go away in update 2.

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