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Minimalistic NCSDK v2 Example


Hi Everyone,


I was learning to use the new SDK and am looking forward to using it some of my projects.


I made the following python script as I was learning to learn how to use it. It's well documented with some notes on gotchas and pitfalls.


I am planning to write a blog post on getting started with the SDK soon. Do let me know if you have any feedback or are interested in the blogpost!


The exact code for is at:


Cheers :smile:


# Sample code for using the ncsdk2 API # We assume that you have used the CLI tools (mvNCCheck / mvNCProfile / mvNCCompile) # to generate the necessary files and is in a folder named `saved_models` # we use SVHN for our demo, and the exact implementation of SVHN_Processor is not relevant # All you need to know is it returns normalized images and labels as NumPy arrays __author__ = "" import numpy as np import os import mvnc.mvncapi as mvnc from svhn_data_utils import SVHN_Processor graph_file = "saved_model/graph" if __name__ == "__main__": # 1. open the device devices = mvnc.enumerate_devices() device = mvnc.Device(devices[0]) # 2. open the graph file with open(graph_file, "rb") as f: graph_blob = # 3. load graph onto device and get I/O queues, input_fifo is WO, output_fifo is RO # It is important to set input_fifo_num_elem and output_fifo_num_elem else inference # will block if you add too many elements to the queues # Alternatively, always read out the prediction of an input before feeding in the next one graph = mvnc.Graph("cnn_classifier") input_fifo, output_fifo = graph.allocate_with_fifos(device = device, graph_buffer = graph_blob, input_fifo_num_elem = 10, output_fifo_num_elem = 10) # 4. get images for testing svhn_processor = SVHN_Processor(data_dir = "svhn", batch_size = 10) train_yielder = svhn_processor.get_train_batch() val_yielder = svhn_processor.get_val_batch() batch_img, batch_label = next(train_yielder) print(f"Label: {batch_label}") print(f"capacity: {input_fifo.get_option(mvnc.FifoOption.RO_CAPACITY)}") # 5. do forward-pass on the device # All I/O to and from the stick are handled via FIFO-Queues # So, you feed in one or more inputs with the `input_fifo` object # And you read the outputs, one-by-one from the `output_fifo` object # graph.allocate_with_fifos` and `graph.queue_inference_with_fifo_elem` are helper # functions to make your life easier. # 5a. feed in multiple images one by one for i in range(len(batch_img)): print(f"image: {i}") graph.queue_inference_with_fifo_elem(input_fifo, output_fifo, batch_img[i], None) # 5b. read back the predictions one by one, read until output fifo is empty print("reading the results") for _ in range(len(batch_img)): # user_obj is None because we sent None, can be used for other purpose to tag each input. output, user_obj = output_fifo.read_elem() print(f"Preds: {output}") # get time for previous inference inference_time = graph.get_option(mvnc.GraphOption.RO_TIME_TAKEN) # returns an array with layer-wise inference times, take `np.sum` for total print(f"Inference Time: {np.sum(inference_time)}") # 6. All Done! Now deallocate, the order is important! print("All DONE! Shutting down the device") input_fifo.destroy() output_fifo.destroy() print("FIFOs destroyed!") graph.destroy() print("Graph Destroyed!") device.close() print("Device Closed!") device.destroy() print("Device Destroyed!")
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2 Replies

Thanks for sharing your example @gokul_uf! If anyone is interested in more examples that use the NCAPI v2, you can find quite a few in the ncsdk2 branch of the ncappzoo repository here:


And for anyone that has existing NCAPI v1 code that they want to continue to use with the new release but aren't ready to convert it yet, there is a shim module there that will let them accomplish that very little work:

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@gokul_uf Thank you for the share.


I've been trying to a similar script with a video stream and inception_v3 but end up with an invalid_data_length error, did you have any of these?


When I print the size of the input tensor (ndarray) it gives this: (1, 299, 299, 3)


Which is the input size of the model.
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