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NCSDK Installation Improvements: We Want Your Feedback!

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Hi everyone,


At Intel we are always striving to make improvements and raise our standards. Today we are asking for your feedback as customers and developers to help improve the Neural Compute SDK installation. Please feel free to reply to this announcement post and include any comments and improvements that you feel could improve the NCSDK installation. Thank you very much!

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Firstly, all of the installation issues posted on this Forum are as follows.


It is not a problem of the NCSDK itself.


1.Caffe (Especially environment specific problems of Makefile.config)




3.CUDA Version


4.GCC Version


5.Anaconda Version


6.OS Version


7.Problems referring to ppa by country


8.with / without GPU


Instead of automatically installing everything in the installation script, you can install these tasks as easily as possible by installing them individually.






In particular, since these two files have wheel files or many installation binaries (deb) on the web, we recommend that you install them yourself according to your environment.


Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 17.04 + Caffe + CUDA example:


Rapberry Pi (with Rapbian Stretch) + OpenCV3.4.1 example:


sudo apt autoremove libopencv3




sudo apt install -y ./libopencv3_3.4.1-20180304.1_armhf.deb


sudo ldconfig
1,962 檢視

Debian line + Caffe installation.


By "apt install" command.


Precautions concerning version of gcc are organized.
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I try to install the SDK and make the examples in last week.


I think most of the process is OK, except download the 3rd packages and data files.


In Shanghai, the site can't be accept. is very slow (0-20k/s).


In sometime, the download is fault due to connection error or timeout.


There is no break and obvious error in the output.


When I run the 'make', there are strange errors.


My suggestion is to detect the fault of download and return error to user.

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I have a problem with my neural compute stick. I want to exposed these drive to others students so they can buy these but unfortunately my demonstration doesn’t work.


Can you help me please ?


I have a Mac (Apple) and I work with ubuntu. I would like to present a ncappzoo app (stream_infer) but when I write : make run in the terminal. I see : “make : *** [run] Erreur 1


What can I do ?


I really need these program for tomorrow.


Thank you for your help !
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@DavidD I would love to help you, but I think you should create a new forum thread in the discussions section so that we can keep the forums organized. Thanks.

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I typically install everything in docker on my Ubuntu. So an "official" docker image would make the life (the installation) easier.


Specially where we want to run multiple device at the same time, each in different container.


( just to follow the microservice concept, and may use the docker-compose scale funcionality)




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I am sure a more detailed walk thru of specific installations would be most helpful.


For instance:


1) Raspberrypi3 + Ubuntu 16.04


2) Raspberry Pi3 +Raspian Stretch


3) ASUS I3 + VirtualBox +Ubuntu16.04


Authorative detail on where to locate the distros and an account of some of the trickier procedures ( eg Virtual Box USB filters) would be greatly appreciated.


Any specific limitations eg a) Raspberry Pi3 needs swapfiles for the full NC SDK b) Is installation on a 32bit Intel reasonable. Is the Rasperrypi3 running in 32 bit mode with Debian/Ubuntu installation?
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@sseres ,


Here is docker build file. FYI.


PS: this is not official file release by Intel.

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Support running NCS on Android platform.


All of us has a cellphone and we'd like to do some experiment on it.



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The documentation provides little information to fall back on if _make install_ fails. In my case, the failure occurred at line 498; perhaps it is just a Python version or configuration issue, but I have no information about exactly what has gone wrong and the make error messages are not helpful.


Actually, I am primarily interested in using Tensorflow. Is it practical to do a manual install to provide just the components I need? If I cannot build the SDK, am I just left with a pretty blue paperweight?
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An addendum to my post of earlier today: I had tried to install on a machine with Anaconda/Python3.6 and a working installation of Tensorflow. I backed off and created a fresh VMWare virtual machine using Ubuntu 16.04 without any modifications except for the addition of a sexy girl wallpaper. The ncsdk installation script executed successfully and the Movidius examples compiled and ran without error.

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Please, please support open standards so please add ONNX network format. Don't want to be stuck in the awful Caffe. ONNX is supported by CNTK, Chainer, Caffe2, MXNet and more. It is vastly establishing itself as the network format.

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Installation worked well on ubuntu 16.04.


Tried on 18.04 and seems to work fine too.


We made an install on raspberry without any trouble related to ncsdk but to Tensorflow.


The documentation is not always easy to find but the forum is very active to help on this :)


Thank's for the availability !
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@malonzo Thank you for the feedback!

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@malonzo did you have to edit the script (for the ncsdk2 branch)? I had to change that because 18.04 is not officially supported by movidius

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Another comment I wanted to suggest the dev team is to restructure the code such caffe / TF python bindings are imported only when they're absolutely needed. Being a only-TF user, I had set INSTALL_CAFFE=no because I had no need for it. But as soon as I try import mvnc, it starts complaining about pycaffe not being installed. This is slightly orthogonal to the topic in hand but I thought it's something that should be mentioned especially now that the team is doing a lot of rearchitecturing the code.

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Don't break releases! That is super important. Yesterday my engineers had to spend a couple of hours fixing bugs because we had checked out a specific release for the ncsdk (as per best practice). It was the most recent non-beta release when we wrote the code. It does not work anymore because you removed some file from AWS. That is absolutely not ok. Either you are building a product or a toy (your sales reps clearly told me NCS is meant to be a proper product with longer term support and all that stuff).


On top of that the only release that works is the 2.x release (which does not contain the 2.x code, only 2.x readmes, I think). If you release your SDK via Github, use Github the way it is meant to be used.


Sorry for voicing my frustration but my company is in the process on building a product that will use your hardware. We will be deploying 1000s of the NCS at retail stores all over Europe and I need reliable partners for my hardware stack.


(I'll post this as a new topic as well)
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@gokul_uf Yes, I changed the 1604 to 1804 in it seems to work pretty well (on the install side) but there are some incongruencies in between tutorials and some functions usage and I finally end-up with some issues see here

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I am trying to get the stick working on a PI 3+. Been working on it since yesterday and not close to


getting any of the ncappzoo samples running on the PI. In the forum you talk about using the latest version 2.0


ncsdk but if you go to Documentation and Downloads it points you to the github version 1.x . I downloaded and installed.


In reading the readme at github it said I should download the version 2 ncappzoo samples. So something here is not in sync.


I did download those samples and they dont work correctly so I found and downloaded the older ncappzoo samples.


I can run hello_ncs_py and it can open the stick. Its the only sample I was able to get running so far.


I was most interested in Tiny Yolo and I think there was a post that said Tiny Yolo was available in the ncappzoo. Is that in version 2? I ran across a how to update from version 1.x to 2.x someplace but can not seem to find it now.


Then I read not all samples work with version 2.x SO I am truly confused. My main goal is to work with Tiny Yolo on the Pi.


Can you give me a hand to get that to happen? PS I am not a Linux expert.
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I have so far found installation and setup of the Up Board very frustrating and not well documented. I have run into countless minor issues that I've managed to overcome or get around but I'd like to point out one in particular just in case anybody else sees this problem. I am surprised I haven't seen anyone else complain about issues with Pygraphviz but if you're getting errors running any of the mvNCxxxx commands that eventually drill down to the message:


ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pygraphviz/ undefined symbol: Agundirected


then check out this GitHub issue comment for advice on how to resolve it:
