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I am trying to perform OCR using the Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick 2. The OCR network that I am using is based on YOLO, and therefore has the graph structure saved as a `.cfg` file and the weights as a `.weights` file. I use OpenCV which was installed with Openvino on a Raspberry Pi 3b+. My code is given below:
import cv2
# load network
ocr_net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromDarknet('ocr-net.cfg', 'ocr-net.weights')
# perform inference
im = cv2.imread('img_path.jpg')
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(im, swapRB=False)
result = ocr_net.forward()
On running this code, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 12, in <module>
result = ocr_net.forward()
cv2.error: OpenCV(4.1.2-openvino) /home/jenkins/workspace/OpenCV/OpenVINO/build/opencv/modules/dnn/src/op_inf_engine.cpp:704: error: (-215:Assertion failed) Failed to initialize Inference Engine backend: Device with "CPU" name is not registered in the InferenceEngine in function 'initPlugin'
If I change the inference target to `cv2.dnn.DNN_TARGET_CPU` and the inference backend to `cv2.dnn.DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV`, the model works fine and is able to correctly perform OCR. My openvino/openCV setup is also correctly installed since I can correctly run other Tensorflow/Caffe models using openCV (using `readNetFromTensorflow()`/`readNetFromCaffe()`).
The OCR network that I am attempting to use can be found here: cfg , weights .
Any help is appreciated!
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Hello ggeol,
In this case, we only have a guide for converting yolo models from DarkNet. Since your model is not the standard yolo model, it may not be supported, and that is why we recommended opening a new issue as you did. You can try to modify the .json file to match his model but it may or may not work.
Thank you.
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Hello ggeol,
This issue may be specific to OpenCV and our recommendation for you is to open a new GitHub issue in the following link: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues.
In addition, you can try to read your model in IR format instead of darknet (.cfg & .weights) as shown in the setup guide: https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/_docs_install_guides_installing_openvino_raspbian.html#run-inference-opencv
To convert the model from darknet to IR format, please follow these instructions: https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/_docs_MO_DG_prepare_model_convert_model_tf_specific_Convert_YOLO_From_Tensorflow.html
If you have more questions, please feel free to ask us, and we will help you further.
Thank you.
Mauricio R.
Intel Customer Support Technician
A Contingent Worker at Intel
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Hi @Mauricio.R_Intel ,
Thanks for your reply. I have opened up a issue on OpenCV as suggested.
I have tried the steps given to convert the model to the IR graph. I am able to get the tensorflow graph, but when i try to convert the tensorflow graph to IR i get the following error message:
Model Optimizer arguments:
Common parameters:
- Path to the Input Model: path\to\ocr-net.pb
- Path for generated IR: C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\.
- IR output name: ocr-net
- Log level: ERROR
- Batch: 1
- Input layers: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Output layers: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Input shapes: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Mean values: Not specified
- Scale values: Not specified
- Scale factor: Not specified
- Precision of IR: FP32
- Enable fusing: True
- Enable grouped convolutions fusing: True
- Move mean values to preprocess section: False
- Reverse input channels: False
TensorFlow specific parameters:
- Input model in text protobuf format: False
- Path to model dump for TensorBoard: None
- List of shared libraries with TensorFlow custom layers implementation: None
- Update the configuration file with input/output node names: None
- Use configuration file used to generate the model with Object Detection API: None
- Operations to offload: None
- Patterns to offload: None
- Use the config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\deployment_tools\model_optimizer\extensions\front\tf\yolo_v1_tiny.json
Model Optimizer version: 2019.3.0-375-g332562022
OMP: Info #212: KMP_AFFINITY: decoding x2APIC ids.
OMP: Info #210: KMP_AFFINITY: Affinity capable, using global cpuid leaf 11 info
OMP: Info #154: KMP_AFFINITY: Initial OS proc set respected: 0-7
OMP: Info #156: KMP_AFFINITY: 8 available OS procs
OMP: Info #157: KMP_AFFINITY: Uniform topology
OMP: Info #179: KMP_AFFINITY: 1 packages x 4 cores/pkg x 2 threads/core (4 total cores)
OMP: Info #214: KMP_AFFINITY: OS proc to physical thread map:
OMP: Info #171: KMP_AFFINITY: OS proc 0 maps to package 0 core 0 thread 0
OMP: Info #171: KMP_AFFINITY: OS proc 1 maps to package 0 core 0 thread 1
OMP: Info #171: KMP_AFFINITY: OS proc 2 maps to package 0 core 1 thread 0
OMP: Info #171: KMP_AFFINITY: OS proc 3 maps to package 0 core 1 thread 1
OMP: Info #171: KMP_AFFINITY: OS proc 4 maps to package 0 core 2 thread 0
OMP: Info #171: KMP_AFFINITY: OS proc 5 maps to package 0 core 2 thread 1
OMP: Info #171: KMP_AFFINITY: OS proc 6 maps to package 0 core 3 thread 0
OMP: Info #171: KMP_AFFINITY: OS proc 7 maps to package 0 core 3 thread 1
OMP: Info #250: KMP_AFFINITY: pid 12488 tid 2984 thread 0 bound to OS proc set 0
OMP: Info #250: KMP_AFFINITY: pid 12488 tid 2664 thread 1 bound to OS proc set 2
OMP: Info #250: KMP_AFFINITY: pid 12488 tid 16768 thread 2 bound to OS proc set 4
OMP: Info #250: KMP_AFFINITY: pid 12488 tid 5540 thread 3 bound to OS proc set 6
[ ERROR ] Cannot infer shapes or values for node "output/YoloRegion".
[ ERROR ] 'mask'
[ ERROR ] It can happen due to bug in custom shape infer function <function RegionYoloOp.regionyolo_infer at 0x000001E299EBAEA0>.
[ ERROR ] Or because the node inputs have incorrect values/shapes.
[ ERROR ] Or because input shapes are incorrect (embedded to the model or passed via --input_shape).
[ ERROR ] Run Model Optimizer with --log_level=DEBUG for more information.
[ ERROR ] 'mask'
Stopped shape/value propagation at "output/YoloRegion" node.
For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/_docs_MO_DG_prepare_model_Model_Optimizer_FAQ.html), question #38.
Exception occurred during running replacer "REPLACEMENT_ID" (<class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>): 'mask'
Stopped shape/value propagation at "output/YoloRegion" node.
For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/_docs_MO_DG_prepare_model_Model_Optimizer_FAQ.html), question #38.
I believe this error comes form the fact that this is not exactly the YOLO model. How to I convert a custom darknet model to the IR format? If it helps, when I directly try to use the `.pb` file with OpenCV, I get the following error:
File "test.py", line 12
cv2.error: OpenCV(4.1.0) C:\projects\opencv-python\opencv\modules\dnn\src\dnn.cpp:524: error: (-2:Unspecified error) Can't create layer "init" of type "NoOp" in function 'cv::dnn::dnn4_v20190122::LayerData::getLayerInstance'
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Hello ggeol,
In this case, we only have a guide for converting yolo models from DarkNet. Since your model is not the standard yolo model, it may not be supported, and that is why we recommended opening a new issue as you did. You can try to modify the .json file to match his model but it may or may not work.
Thank you.
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