Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
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6462 Discussions

OpenVINO with FPGA support, aocl diagnose failed.



First of all, thank you for all your contributions, i have read many solutions on this forum.

I developed a object recognition system on a raspberry pi using intel movidius neural compute stick and OpenVINO, now i want to run the same project on an Intel FPGA board (Arria 10GX FPGA development kit).

I installed openVINO 2019 R1.1 on Ubuntu 16.04, following this instructions:

i run the 2 verificatiojn scripts with no errors using the CPU.

then i installed the board on my pc following this instructions:

when i run the aocl diagnose on step 3 i get the following message:

fernando@BG415PC3:~$ aocl diagnose
No devices attached for package:

Unable to find the kernel mode driver.

Please make sure you have properly installed the driver. To install the driver, run
      aocl install


Call "aocl diagnose <device-names>" to run diagnose for specified devices
Call "aocl diagnose all" to run diagnose for all devices


the board is correctly installed and Im also able to load this two files to the FPGA using quartus lite 18.1 with no problem:

quartus_pgm -c 1 -m JTAG -o "p;max5_150.pof@2"

quartus_pgm -c 1 -m JTAG -o "p;top.sof"

but the diagnose fails and i cant run any example on the fpga.

Something i found weird is when i set the enviromental variables using the script provided on the fpga support files is that i get a bunch of information instead of just the message " [] OpenVINO environment initialized" as i used to get on the Raspberry Pi.

this is the output when i run the setupvars script:

source /home/fernando/Downloads/fpga_support_files/
Adding to Path (OpenVINO AOCL)
INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT is set to /opt/altera/aocl-pro-rte/aclrte-linux64. Using that.

aoc was not found, but aocl was found. Assuming only RTE is installed.

AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT is set to /opt/altera/aocl-pro-rte/aclrte-linux64/board/a10_1150_sg1. Using that.
Adding /opt/altera/aocl-pro-rte/aclrte-linux64/bin to PATH
Adding /opt/altera/aocl-pro-rte/aclrte-linux64/host/linux64/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Adding /opt/altera/aocl-pro-rte/aclrte-linux64/board/a10_1150_sg1/linux64/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[] OpenVINO environment initialized


also other thing i found weird is that there is no files on the openvino toolkit for the board im using:

AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT is set to /opt/altera/aocl-pro-rte/aclrte-linux64/board/a10_1150_sg1

so i just copy the files on the fpga_support_files folder and paste it on /opt/altera/aocl-pro-rte/aclrte-linux64/board directory before running aocl install.

I hope someone can help me out, i have spend long time on this and im stuck.

Thanks in advance.




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3 Replies

Dear Galetto, Fernando

It seems like you did everything correctly. But somehow, your system state got screwed up.  Can you try wiping everything and starting again, with just installing AOCL 18.1.1 first, and once that’s up and running with a sample design, then install OpenVINO over top ? I know that this is a lot of work. 

But it just may return your system to working order.



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Shubha R. (Intel) wrote:

Dear Galetto, Fernando

It seems like you did everything correctly. But somehow, your system state got screwed up.  Can you try wiping everything and starting again, with just installing AOCL 18.1.1 first, and once that’s up and running with a sample design, then install OpenVINO over top ? I know that this is a lot of work. 

But it just may return your system to working order.



Thanks for you answer Shubha, I had the same error in 2 systems, one of them was a fresh installed ubuntu but in both cases I installed first openvino and then AOCL, I'll try the way you said, I have 5 computers where I need to set up openvino and the FPGA board. 

One more question, if I use the Arria 10GX FPGA development board should I install a10_1150_sg1 driver or a10_ref ?


Thanks again. 



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Hi Fernando,

I know it's been a while. But I ran into the same issue than you. Did you find a fix for this issue?

Thank you.



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