Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
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Python Version Detection/CMake Detection Error Caused by Environment Variables Settings or Missing Related Compilation Files?


Hi OpenVINO Experts,

       After running the script "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\bin>setupvars.bat", there is an error report: "Error: Python is not installed. Please install Python 3.5. or 3.6  (64-bit) from". However, there is no error report about CMake, as listed in the code of "setupvars.bat".

       During the installation of OpenVINO, other than the prompt of not finding CMake, all the other system requirements are satisfied, so does it mean OpenVINO can detect the right version of Python during installation process, but not in the process of setup? However, for CMake, it seems opposite. It cannot be detected during installation process, but the related "libmmd.dll" can be found in the process of setup. There is no warning report: "Warning: libmmd.dll couldn't be found in %%PATH%%."

       The original Windows System Environment Variables "Path": "%INTEL_DEV_REDIST%redist\intel64_win\compiler;%INTELOCLPATH%;%INTELOCLSDKROOT%bin\Pin;%INTELOCLSDKROOT%bin\GTPin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA NvDLISR;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn\;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Windows Performance Toolkit\;C:\Python27;C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\sw_dev_tools\tools\DAL_1.1942.1019.110\;C:\Python36;C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\sw_dev_tools\tools\DAL_1.2012.1214.110\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\"


     Under "%INTEL_DEV_REDIST%redist\intel64_win\compiler", I found ""libmmd.dll"".

     I did not find "C:\Python27;" and "C:\Python36;". When I deleted them from the "Path" and ran "setupvars.bat", there is still the same error report.

     I added in the new variables in the "Path": "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\CMake\;C:\Program Files (x86)\inteloneapi\intelpython\python3.7\;C:\Program Files (x86)\inteloneapi\intelpython\python3.7\Library".

     I noticed InteloneAPI connected with Microsoft Visual Studio, and in both of them, there are Python 3.7 respectively, but I haven't found the connection file from OpenVINO to InteloneAPI. OpenVINO is a tool of InteloneAPI, right?

     Where is the problem? I appreciate your valuable advice and thank you so much if the problem can be solved soon.






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5 Replies


    Are we moving to a new bigger community forum? I just got a pop-out information, which suggested me to ask questions in the new place, but it shows the server has an interior 500 error. Are we preparing for the server? Very happy to see the new forum community coming after one-week maintenance, and hope to talk with you there soon.

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Hi Helena.

On Windows OS for latest OpenVINO toolkit 2020.3 build it is recommended to install those Python and CMake versions that the installator points you to install. These are:
Python 3.6.5 or 3.7
CMake 3.14 or higher

During OpenVINO installation you will be informed about missing components (if any), so then you should install them manually after OpenVINO being installed. Or you can also do it before running OpenVINO installator. At the end for both Python and CMake installation processes you should be prompted (by checking a checkbox) to automatically add these applications to your Windows PATH environment variable.

During "setupvars.bat" execution, the toolkit does not check if your Python or CMake versions are correct or not. The script just temporarily adds OpenVINO variables to PATH (by default OpenVINO env variables are removed when you close the Command Prompt window).
However, if you haven't checked a checkbox during the CMake or Python installation to automatically add the application to your Windows PATH environment variable, now then you should manually add them to setupvars.bat, so the PATH will be updated with Python/CMake variables by running setupvars.bat. By default it is C:\Users\<USER_ID>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\Python and C:\Program Files\CMake.

With regards to oneAPI, this is a separate toolkit and not directly connected to OpenVINO toolkit. Although there's a chance that OpenVINO might be able to use Python 3 version from oneAPI directory, anyway we would recommend you to install fresh Python version from the link above.

Community forum transition has been postponed for some time but we expect this to happen in the near future.

Hope this helps.
Best regards, Max.

0 Kudos

Hi Max,


  Thank you very much for your detailed information, and I appreciate it. 

  During "setupvars.bat" execution, the script just temporarily adds OpenVINO variables to PATH (by default OpenVINO env variables are removed when you close the Command Prompt window).

  Is it because the above process works in the non-persistent cache?

  I noticed that there is also cmake-gui. Is it made for Windows system architecture?

  Does the "libmmd.dll" under  "%INTEL_DEV_REDIST%redist\intel64_win\compiler" indicate that cmake-gui has been installed? What does "mmd" mean?

  And is ccmake made for Linux system architecture?

 CMake is made for the scope of all the program files? Since cmake, ccmake and cmake-gui have a lot in common, why can't we combine the three together as one program? 

  I found that Anaconda, Intel oneAPI, Microsoft Visual Studio and OpenVINO all use Python, why can't we just install one Python for different platforms, functioning like Intel DevCloud or Microsoft Azure?

  Wish our community forum filled with abundant and extensive expertise and knowledge. I am very happy to learn from you.


Best Regards,


0 Kudos

hui, helena wrote:

Hi Max,


  Thank you very much for your detailed information, and I appreciate it. 

  During "setupvars.bat" execution, the script just temporarily adds OpenVINO variables to PATH (by default OpenVINO env variables are removed when you close the Command Prompt window).

  Is it because the above process works in the non-persistent cache?

Hi Helena.

PATH variables being added to temp cache and wiped out upon the reset. But as an option, you can permanently set the environment variables manually, e.g. in Linux it requires to add them into <user_directory>/.bashrc file.

hui, helena wrote:

  I noticed that there is also cmake-gui. Is it made for Windows system architecture?

  Does the "libmmd.dll" under  "%INTEL_DEV_REDIST%redist\intel64_win\compiler" indicate that cmake-gui has been installed? What does "mmd" mean?

  And is ccmake made for Linux system architecture?

 CMake is made for the scope of all the program files? Since cmake, ccmake and cmake-gui have a lot in common, why can't we combine the three together as one program? 

  I found that Anaconda, Intel oneAPI, Microsoft Visual Studio and OpenVINO all use Python, why can't we just install one Python for different platforms, functioning like Intel DevCloud or Microsoft Azure?

  Wish our community forum filled with abundant and extensive expertise and knowledge. I am very happy to learn from you.


Best Regards,


As I'm aware there're no specific cmake-gui requirements, so I think that should be possible to use it under Windows, since cmake-gui just runs usual cmake command from the directory you specified as cmake binary (build) folder for the project you specified also in the gui. It should work in the same way as you run usual cmake command manually from the binary folder with specification of project path (like "cmake .." command from the cmake build folder). As for ccmake, I don't see any specific OpenVINO requirements for it too.

With regards to the rest of your questions, please ask them within respective sections of (oneAPI, C++ compiler, etc.)

Best regards, Max.

0 Kudos

Hi Max,

     Thank you for your reply and the forum moves. Batch files is a use case for persistent cache.

      If CMake were not installed, why other projects like Avaconda produced CMake files, so I think it might be caused by the configuration is set to non-CMake project, but the prerequisite CMake is added and does not change into the right state.

      Thank you very much for your suggestion.

Best Regards,



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