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6517 Discussions

SetBachsize() method changing output dimension



I'm working with text-recognition-0012 model ( to recognize some texts. I need to detect more than one text in the image. So I tried to change the batch size from the network to do that.

These are my input and output for one text recognition:

Network input: [B x C x H x W]  --> [ 1 x 1 x 32 x 120]

Network output [W x B x L] --> [30 x 1 x 37]

When I applied the following change:

InferenceEngine::CNNNetReader->getNetwork().setBatchSize(value); value > 1

My output was changed to the following:

value = 2 --> [60 x 1 x 37]

value = 3 --> [90 x 1 x 37]

The correct for me should be:

value = 2 --> [60 x 2 x 37]

value = 3 --> [90 x 3 x 37]

Am I wrong? This change is making my network to incorrect recognize texts. How can I process more than one text in the same image.

Thanks in advance.

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