Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
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channel_shared in pReLU

name: "suma" input: "data" input_shape { dim: 1 dim:56 dim: 7 dim: 7 } layer { name: "relu1" type: "PReLU" bottom: "data" top: "relu1" prelu_param { channel_shared: 1 } }


and mvNCCheck report


Result: (56, 7, 7) 1) 2514 52.438 2) 2518 48.062 3) 2512 45.562 4) 2536 44.5 5) 2513 42.688 Expected: (56, 7, 7) 1) 2577 0.99951 2) 633 0.99854 3) 1372 0.99805 4) 1540 0.99707 5) 318 0.99365 ------------------------------------------------------------ Obtained values ------------------------------------------------------------ Obtained Min Pixel Accuracy: 1036481.25% (max allowed=2%), Fail Obtained Average Pixel Accuracy: 4342.446136474609% (max allowed=1%), Fail Obtained Percentage of wrong values: 44.059766763848394% (max allowed=0%), Fail Obtained Pixel-wise L2 error: 54063.709668603464% (max allowed=1%), Fail Obtained Global Sum Difference: 119098.546875 ------------------------------------------------------------


If I changed channel_shared: 1 to channel_shared: 0, to disable share a between channels, mvNCCheck passed.


Myraid2 didn't support pReLU with channel_shared enabled?

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