Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
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Agilex 5 no cost license - unable to generate programming file



I am about to start a project targeting Intel Agilex 5 series E FPGA.

I have Quartus Prime Pro 21.1 freshly installed on my computer and I have generated a no cost license for Agilex 5.

I tested the setup using the example design included in the SW.
The implementation flow had no problem till the generation of the programming file


Error(23714): Can not generate programming files for your current project because you do not have a valid license. Visit the Intel FPGA Self-Service Licensing Center at 
	Warning(115005): Unlicensed IP: "Nios V/m Microcontroller Intel FPGA IP (6AF7 D036)" 
	Warning(115004): Unlicensed encrypted design file: "/home/max/Workarea/quartus_dummy/hw_m/qdb/_compiler/top/root_partition/24.1.0/final/1/netlist.model" 
	Warning(115004): Unlicensed encrypted design file: "/home/max/Workarea/quartus_dummy/hw_m/qdb/_compiler/top/root_partition/24.1.0/final/1/names.model" 
	Warning(115004): Unlicensed encrypted design file: "/home/max/Workarea/quartus_dummy/hw_m/qdb/_compiler/top/auto_fab_0/24.1.0/final/1/netlist.model" 
	Warning(115004): Unlicensed encrypted design file: "/home/max/Workarea/quartus_dummy/hw_m/qdb/_compiler/top/auto_fab_0/24.1.0/final/1/names.model" 


 Could you please explain me what I am supposed to do?

In my project I am not planning on using NIOS-V. I want to integrate my own code and only add a PLL and a DDR controller. Would the generated license be enough for this?



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