Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1219 Discussions

Can someone please explain the new one part-number Quartus Licensing?


Greetings all,

My organization has 8 developers.  3 are currently using Quartus Prime Pro and the other 5 are using Quartus Standard.  

Customer Advisory ADV2127 announces the "replacement of all 13 Ordering Part Numbers for Intel Quartus Prime with a single Ordering Part Number. ...  The single OPN will also have a single price for all license types."  

This is VERY CONFUSING.  Basically, since there is one part number, and one price, does that mean that buying the SW-ONE-QUARTUS part number gets my developers ALL the features of both PRO and Standard?

But that's contradicted by the "single price for all license types" language, which suggests the different license tiers still exist.

However, that seems silly, as if I'm buying the one PN, for the one price, why would anyone choose to license Standard when they can get Pro for the same cost?

UNLESS, per the attached screen-grab from Intel's sales catalog, that I have to buy TWO LICENSES per each developer who currently has Pro to get both feature sets from PRO and Standard?  Then that becomes QUITE the price increase.

Very confusing Intel, very confusing.  




6 Replies

Hi Sir


Welcome to INTEL forum. Yes, your understanding is correct. SW-QUARTUS-SE-FIX has been discontinued and replace by SW-ONE-QUARTUS. It’s a single ordering part number and the single OPN will have ALL the features of both PRO and Standard.

It is a flexibility for customer to choose Standard or Pro at the same cost. Customers can choose Float or Fixed in the Self-Service Licensing Center.

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Greetings AR_A_Intel,

Thanks much for the reply, but I remain confused.

You write:  "It is a flexibility for customer to choose Standard or Pro at the same cost. Customers can choose Float or Fixed in the Self-Service Licensing Center."

That suggests to me that when I buy a seat of that SW-ONE-QUARTUS part number, my developer, when he or she sets up Quartus, he or she has to pick between Standard or Pro?

Then, if you go pack to my original post, there is a screen-grab from your catalog which shows some features are only available in Standard, and others only available in Pro.  Does that mean for each developer who needs features from both Standard and Pro I now have to buy TWO copies of that SW-ONE-QUARTUS part number?

Or, for each SW-ONE-QUARTUS part number, can the developer install BOTH Pro and Standard?

This is still very confusing.


Thanks much,


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The answer that was given below is incorrect.  The entire point of the new SW-ONE-QUARTUS is to give you all the Intel Quartus Software tools for the same price.  You can download both Pro and Standard versions and use them interchangeably with the license you purchased. So in the case given above, you have 3 developers using Quartus Pro and 5 developers using Quartus Standard.  But let's say one of the 5 using Quartus Standard needs to start working on a device supported only in pro.  No problem.  The SW-ONE-QUARTUS license will allow for that.  They would just need to download the version of Quartus Pro that they want to use and install it and then point the license manager to the SW-ONE-QUARTUS license and they would be able to now use Quartus Pro.  (And if they wanted to move back to Quartus Standard, they could do that as well.  The only thing they wouldn't be able to do is open both Quartus Standard and Quartus Pro at the same time using the same license.)


Hi @Joel_Aaron_Seely 

Thanks for the elaboration of the SW-ONE-QUARTUS usage, and the scenario I mentioned was referring to if the user would like to open both Quartus PE & SE at the same time, then it will require to purchase 2 licenses. Apologies for the confusion.

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Apologize of the delay in respond. Yes, your understanding is correct. Regrettably, customer/developer who needs features from both Standard and Pro I now have to buy TWO copies of that SW-ONE-QUARTUS part number

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