Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1276 Discussions

Continuation of Quartus II 13 sp1 Licensing Support for MAX 7000 Application




We are currently using MAX 7000 chips for most of our boards, and we keep planning to use the latest Quartus II version that supports this chip (13 sp 1) for any maintenance/modification in the future.


Initially, we were using MAX PLUS II for this purpose, but due to discontinuation of licensing for MAX PLUS II, we have migrated to Quartus II 13 sp1.


However, from the download page of 13 sp 1, it is mentioned that  Version 13.0sp1 is subject to removal from the web when support for all devices in this release are available in a newer version, or all devices supported by this version are obsolete.


Please kindly inform us how to allow us to keep using the 13 sp 1 (or any version that still supports MAX 7000A)  indefinitely in the future, when this 13 sp 1 licensing is no longer available from the web, and there is no newer version that can support this chip. Do we need to purchase specific license, etc?



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1 Reply

Hello afif,


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We have received your issue, please allow us some time to review and we will reply you shortly.




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