Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1216 Discussions

HelloWorld-Error: Compiler Error, not able to generate hardware


Hi guys,


I want to test the OpenCL driver on pac_a10 board, but when I run the sample code, I meet a problems:

aoc: Environment checks are completed successfully.

aoc: Cached files in /var/tmp/aocl/ may be used to reduce compilation time

You are now compiling the full flow!!

aoc: Selected target board pac_a10

aoc: Running OpenCL parser....

aoc: OpenCL parser completed successfully.

aoc: Linking Object files....

aoc: Optimizing and doing static analysis of code...

aoc: Linking with IP library ...

Checking if memory usage is larger than 100%

Compiler Warning: addpipe in board_spec.xml is set to 1 which is no longer supported

Compiler Warning: global memory pipeline stage is now implemented in BSP instead

aoc: First stage compilation completed successfully.

Compiling for FPGA. This process may take a long time, please be patient.

Error: Compiler Error, not able to generate hardware


And the "quartus_sh_compile.log" just has one line:

ERROR: packager tool failed to run. Check installation. Aborting compilation!


I don't get the licence of Quartus Pro yet. Do the test need that? If not, what cause that error? "Check installation" means check the Quartus installation or the BSP?


Thanks in advance.

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23 Replies

Hi YY,


Version 17.1.1 Build 273 12/19/2017 Patches 1.02dcp,1.36,1.38 SJ Pro Edition



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Hi WWang76, May I request the asm.rpt? Thanks
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