Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1169 Discussions

License Error after Quartus Version Update


Existing Quartus license works fine for versions 13 and 15. I need to use a Cyclone V, thus the recommendation was to use Standard Quartus 22.1. After 4 hours of downloading and installing, I get this error => "Error (292030): License is not valid for this version of the Quartus Prime software. However, the specified license will continue to work for versions of the Quartus Prime software that were released before the specified license expired.".

Other people have had the same issue, but the final resolution details are not listed in any links that I have reviewed. This should be pretty straightforward question since it has been seen by many people. What are the license issues\details that will not allow an existing working license to not work with a later versions of Quartus?? I started the 4 hour process of downloading version 19.1, hoping to have better luck, but it would be better to get an explanation on why this is occurring for people. Thanks!!


P.S. Update: version 19.1 does now work either with the existing license, and gives me the same error as above. 

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Welcome to Intel forum. Intel license is backwards compatibility and will not support upper Quartus version. This means that a license is designed to work with earlier versions of a software. In other words, if a license is backward compatible, it is valid and functional not only for the current version but also for previous versions of the software.

You can find information about the Quartus version supported by your license in the Quartus release notes.  


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We haven't received a response from you, and I trust that my previous message has clarified any concerns or confusion. We are ready to move forward with this matter. I'll now transfer this conversation to community support. If you have any new inquiries, feel free to initiate a new thread for assistance from Intel experts. Otherwise, community members are available to support you in this ongoing discussion. Thank you.

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