Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1285 Discussions

Old Altera Quartus II license - Server change


We have an old Altera Quartus II floating license on a server that we want to retire since it's very very old.  The service/support has long run out but the license is still active/permanent (for the older Quartus software).  We have no intention (at this time) of upgrading our Quartus version.  I would like the license file changed (hostname & MAC) for the new/replacement server.  How do I go about doing that?


Thank you.

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5 Replies

Hi Sir


Welcome to INTEL forum. Software and IP licenses can be transferred to a different PC/server by going to the 'Create New License' section on the Self-Service Licensing Center by license admin only and this is call rehosting license.

Rehosting step: (Licensing Center Home) 

Step 1: Click the Self Service Licensing Center link

Step 2: Select Computers and License Files tab

Step 3: Select the Host ID to change by clicking the pencil icon in the Update Computer


Step 4: Change the Host ID or any field value displayed on the screen. However, a change of

Host ID will only be considered as re-host.

Step 5: Click Submit button


Guidance: --> Rehosting Your License Demo


Refer licensing Demo for more:

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Apparently I do not have permissions for this nor does the "Sign in or register" button exist on the page of the link provided (see below).


Keep in mind that I just created my Intel account and absolutely no products or support are associated with my account.  My previous account (with the appropriately purchased software and licenses) was with Altera, so there's clearly a disconnect and I'm quite curious on how the license will be rehosted when Intel is not aware of any of these details.



You may have been logged out or you do not have the necessary permissions to access this page.

If you have not registered for FPGA access, please complete the registration in order to gain access to FPGA content pages.

The registration button named "Sign in or register" can be found all the way at the bottom of this page:


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Could you help to log-in again to SSLC. If still can’t sign-in, could you help to register again using the new email address. Based on my understanding, basically customer needs to register for 2 account

o           Step 1 : register for normal Intel account

o           Step 2 : register for PSG account

Could you help check and register again, guidance

1.          Kindly proceed to this LINK  

2.          Click the Register now for an individual account

3.          You will be brought to the registration form. Fill in the first name, last name, business email address and username.

4.          You should be able to see the error message “Email is already registered. Enter a new email or Sign In”. Please click on the “Sign In” link.

5.          You will be taken back to the FPGA registration form. The form will be updated with your profile, please enter additional info required to register for FPGA account.

6.          Complete the form and the FPGA basic access will be added into your <login_id> account.

7.          Login again and you should be able to see Intel FPGA links within My Intel > My Tools. For example, the Self-Service Licensing Center link.

8.   Done.

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I have access to the Self Service License Center now but as expected, it has no record of our previous licenses, computers, or license files so the license cannot be "rehosted" as in normal circumstances.  Our last license file was generated 2015ish (Altera Quartus v15) so it's beyond the "legacy license generator" as well.


Please advise...

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We have not heard from you and I hope that my last note clears up this matter and it can now be move forward. I will now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

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