Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1276 Discussions

Upgrading a License that doesn't appear in SSLC


My company has a Quartus Prime Standard Floating License that expired on 31 March 2017, meaning that we can only use versions of Quartus that were released before them. We would like to update our license to enable us to use the latest releases of Quartus Prime Standard.
However, we have two problems:
1. When we log into our company Intel FPGA account we do not see any licenses currently assigned to us in the Self Service Centre. Therefore, we can't renew it through the Self Service Centre.
2. Our license contains licenses for IP such as NIOS2 and Triple Speed Ethernet cores. We cannot risk overwriting this license with a brand new "clean" license as we will then lose the ability to support our legacy. It appears that the IP core license are embedded within the single Quartus license file.

What we want is a Quartus Prime Standard Edition license that enables us to use the latest version of Quartus while also containing our legacy IP licenses.

What would be the best way to proceed with this?

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1 Reply

Hello NJack1,


Thank you for contacting Intel Community Forum.

I have sent you a private email to get some confidential info to support further your issue.





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