Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1221 Discussions

Why does Qsys / Platform Designer close when trying to open, save or save as? Is it just me?


I haven't used Quartus Prime for a while but needed to use it to check on a project. I tried to open Qsys from within Prime with an open project. Qsys started up then immediately disappeared.


I tried opening Qsys without a project open in Prime, which succeeded. However, attempting to "Open" a .qsys file from the file menu had the same result.

I also tried "Save As", same again. "Save" also resulted in the window disappearing.


The installed version of Qsys was 17.0 build 595. It was running on a fairly powerful Ryzen 5 based desktop system under Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, version 1903, build 18362.592.


I uninstalled 17.0 and installed 18.1 (latest windows version) and tried again. Exactly the same problem.


I had an old install of 12.0 on a laptop so tried that. Same problem. This laptop also had 17.0 installed so tried that, once again, same problem.

The Laptop is Core i5 based running Windows 10 64 bit Home, version 1903, build 18362.592, the same as the desktop.


Is it possible a recent Windows update has broken Qsys / Platform Designer?

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6 Replies

Hi Neal,


Can you delete db, incremental db & .qsys_edit folder and try to open .qsys file.

Also after opening Quartus project go to project navigator and select ip components click on .qsys system and click on generate synthesis.


If still facing problem please share your project




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Hi Anand,


Thanks for responding, sorry I've taken so long to reply myself.


As I said in the original question it doesn't matter if I launch Qsys from Prime with a project open or not so I didn't think your suggestions would help. Nonetheless I did try it but, sure enough, I still get the same problem. indeed, I can run qsys_edit.exe direct from C:\intelFPGA_lite\18.1\quartus\sopc_builder\bin, which starts up fine but if I try to Open or Save as, Qsys simply disappears without a trace (no warnings / errors reported).


Sharing my project wouldn't help as the issue is not related to a particular project and, in any case, I couldn't share the particular project I was looking at due to confidentiality.


I did try installing a Linux version and I can tell you that I did not encounter the same issue so it looks to be Windows related. As both systems I tried it on were running the same version of Windows 10 I could try installing on a Widows 7 VM to see what happens with that when I get a chance and will report back.


I assume I'm the only one reporting this problem so I guess it must be something to do with my setup but I can't imagine what it might be so any suggestions would be welcome.




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A quick update. I installed Prime on Windows 7 in a virtual machine and that does not show the problem.

0 Kudos

Hi Neal,


Not able to replicate the issue on windows 10.

can you create a simple project and try to open .qsys??




0 Kudos

Hi Anand,


I tried creating a new project and opening Qsys, then created a simple design so there were no errors then attempted to save the design and, as before, the window simply disappears. This also happens on the laptop, which still has version 17.0 installed. Note that I checked task manager after the window had disappeared and could see no evidence of a process associated with Qsys still running, which suggests it has stopped completely..


As it happens I have recently did a clean re-install of windows 10 on another laptop so I installed Quartus Prime 18.1 on that and it did not have the same problem. I can't think what it might be but there's something in common between the two systems that show the problem that is different on the one which works so i'll need to see if I can work out what it is. I'll post any findings if I fix it.




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please share me the complete steps, project and image...

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