Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1271 Discussions

flexlm license manager v22 won't start


linux flexlm license manager ver will not start, since it claims license file is not an ascii or utf-8 file.

Using ver causes no problem when using the exact same license file, which in fact IS an ascii file (linux format with <NL> line end)

Upgrade is necessary since “Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition” 22.2 , claims the license server SW is too old (flexlm v11.16 where the 22.2 flexlm, is flexlm v11.18)

The license server OS is  "Red Hat Entreprise Linux server v7.8 (Maipo)"

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5 Replies


Could you get the error screenshot? Thanks

0 Kudos

Since the linux license server is run with a command line interface, there is really no need for screendump of the error. The error is contaoned in the debug log file which is listed here for daemon v11.18:


21:33:08 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
21:33:08 (lmgrd) Please Note:
21:33:08 (lmgrd)
21:33:08 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
21:33:08 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license
21:33:08 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,
21:33:08 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Flexera's
21:33:08 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,
21:33:08 (lmgrd) FlexNet Manager, to readily gain visibility
21:33:08 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create
21:33:08 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like
21:33:08 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FlexNet Manager
21:33:08 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on
21:33:08 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license
21:33:08 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous
21:33:08 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
21:33:08 (lmgrd) and UNIX.
21:33:08 (lmgrd)
21:33:08 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
21:33:08 (lmgrd)
21:33:08 (lmgrd)
21:33:08 (lmgrd) Server's System Date and Time: Mon Sep 26 2022 21:33:08 CEST
21:33:08 (lmgrd) Unsupported license file encoding. Please ensure /opt/cae/flexlm/altera22/license.dat is either ASCII or UTF-8 encoded.

21:33:08 (lmgrd) No license file found with supported format and encoding



for the very same license file, the v 11.16. daemon starts nicely without any problems.

debug log file comes here:


21:39:02 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Please Note:
21:39:02 (lmgrd)
21:39:02 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
21:39:02 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license
21:39:02 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,
21:39:02 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Flexera's
21:39:02 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,
21:39:02 (lmgrd) FlexNet Manager, to readily gain visibility
21:39:02 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create
21:39:02 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like
21:39:02 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FlexNet Manager
21:39:02 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on
21:39:02 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license
21:39:02 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous
21:39:02 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
21:39:02 (lmgrd) and UNIX.
21:39:02 (lmgrd)
21:39:02 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
21:39:02 (lmgrd)
21:39:02 (lmgrd)
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Server's System Date and Time: Mon Sep 26 2022 21:39:02 CEST
21:39:02 (lmgrd) SLOG: Summary LOG statistics is enabled.
21:39:02 (lmgrd) FlexNet Licensing (v11.16.2.1 build 244538 x64_lsb) started on (linux) (9/26/2022)
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2018 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
21:39:02 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:
21:39:02 (lmgrd) License file(s): /opt/cae/flexlm/altera22/license.dat
21:39:02 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 8734
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) ===============================================
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) === LMGRD ===
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Start-Date: Mon Sep 26 2022 21:39:02 CEST
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) PID: 709
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) LMGRD Version: v11.16.2.1 build 244538 x64_lsb ( build 244538 (ipv6))
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@)
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) === Network Info ===
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Listening port: 8734
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@)
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) === Startup Info ===
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Server Configuration: Single Server
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Command-line options used at LS startup: -c /opt/cae/flexlm/altera22/license.dat
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) License file(s) used: /opt/cae/flexlm/altera22/license.dat
21:39:02 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) ===============================================
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemon at port 8744
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Using vendor daemon port 8744 specified in license file
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Started alterad (internet tcp_port 8744 pid 713)
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemon at port 7798
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Using vendor daemon port 7798 specified in license file
21:39:02 (lmgrd) Started mgcld (internet tcp_port 7798 pid 714)
21:39:02 (alterad) FlexNet Licensing version v11.16.2.1 build 244538 x64_lsb
21:39:02 (mgcld) FLEXnet Licensing version v10.8.0.6 build 23943
21:39:02 (mgcld) lmgrd version 11.16, mgcld version 10.8

21:39:02 (alterad) SLOG: Summary LOG statistics is enabled.
21:39:02 (alterad) SLOG: FNPLS-INTERNAL-CKPT1
21:39:02 (mgcld) Using options file: "/opt/cae/flexlm/altera22/mgcld.opt"
21:39:02 (alterad) SLOG: VM Status: 4
21:39:02 (alterad) SLOG: FNPLS-INTERNAL-CKPT5
21:39:02 (alterad) SLOG: TPM Status: 0
21:39:02 (alterad) SLOG: FNPLS-INTERNAL-CKPT6
21:39:02 (alterad) Using options file: "/opt/cae/flexlm/altera22/alterad.opt"
21:39:02 (mgcld) Server started on for: mgcvipae
21:39:02 (mgcld) mgcvipaeaxi mgcvipaeaxi4 alteramtivsim
21:39:02 (mgcld) intelqsim
21:39:02 (mgcld)
21:39:02 (mgcld) Licenses are case sensitive for mgcld
21:39:02 (mgcld)
21:39:02 (mgcld) Report log started (+/opt/cae/flexlm/altera/report_mgcld_210630.rl).
21:39:02 (lmgrd) mgcld using TCP-port 7798
21:39:02 (alterad) Server started on for:
21:39:02 (alterad) ip_base (consisting of: 6AF7_0034
21:39:02 (alterad) 6AF7_00D8 6AF7_0014)
21:39:02 (alterad) ip_base (consisting of: 6AF7_0034
21:39:02 (alterad) 6AF7_00D8 6AF7_0014)
21:39:02 (alterad) ip_embedded (consisting of: 6AF7_00A2
21:39:02 (alterad) 6AF7_00BD 6AF7_00BE 6AF7_00BF
21:39:02 (alterad) 6AF7_010C)
21:39:02 (alterad) ip_embedded (consisting of: 6AF7_00A2
21:39:02 (alterad) 6AF7_00BD 6AF7_00BE 6AF7_00BF
21:39:02 (alterad) 6AF7_010C)
21:39:02 (alterad) sw_pe (consisting of: quartus_nonvolatile_encryption
21:39:02 (alterad) quartus_pro quartus) 6AF8_00A2
21:39:02 (alterad) 6AF7_00A2 6AF8_00A5 6AF7_00A5
21:39:02 (alterad) 6AF8_00BD 6AF7_00BD maxplus2verilog
21:39:02 (alterad) maxplus2vhdl maxplus2 quartus_nonvolatile_encryption
21:39:02 (alterad) quartus_pro quartus
21:39:02 (alterad) EXTERNAL FILTERS are OFF
21:39:02 (alterad) Report log started (+/opt/cae/flexlm/altera22/report_alterad_220713.rl).
21:39:02 (lmgrd) alterad using TCP-port 8744
21:39:02 (alterad) SLOG: Statistics Log Frequency is 240 minute(s).
21:39:02 (alterad) SLOG: TS update poll interval is 600 seconds.
21:39:02 (alterad) SLOG: Activation borrow reclaim percentage is 0.
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) ===============================================
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) === Vendor Daemon ===
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Vendor daemon: alterad
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Start-Date: Mon Sep 26 2022 21:39:02 CEST
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) PID: 713
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) VD Version: v11.16.2.1 build 244538 x64_lsb ( build 244538 (ipv6))
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@)
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) === Startup/Restart Info ===
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Options file used: /opt/cae/flexlm/altera22/alterad.opt
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Is vendor daemon a CVD: No
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Is FlexNet Licensing Service installed and compatible: No
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) FlexNet Licensing Service Version: -NA-
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Is TS accessed: No
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) TS access time: -NA-
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Number of VD restarts since LS startup: 0
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@)
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) === Network Info ===
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Listening port: 8744
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Daemon select timeout (in seconds): 1
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@)
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) === Host Info ===
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Host used in license file:
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) HostID node-locked in license file: 005056b34f7b
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) HostID of the License Server: 005056b34f7b
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) Running on Hypervisor: Unknown Hypervisor
21:39:02 (alterad) (@alterad-SLOG@) ===============================================
21:39:19 (alterad) TCP_NODELAY enabled

0 Kudos



Thanks for update. May we know, have you upgrade the daemon version to the latest. If not, could you upgrade to latest version?        

•           The new version is (mgcld) and (alterad)

0 Kudos

the newly downloaded alterad has got the same build no as the one failing.

However the sizes of the files are different - strange.

The most important thing is however, the newly downloaded is working .


[adminpyh@dtdkcphlx0442 altera22]$ ./lmutil lmver alterad
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2018 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
FlexNet Licensing v11.18.2.0 build 281478 (ipv6) x64_lsb (liblmgr.a), Copyright (c) 1988-2021 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
[adminpyh@dtdkcphlx0442 altera22]$ ./lmutil lmver nye/alterad
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2018 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
FlexNet Licensing v11.18.2.0 build 281478 (ipv6) x64_lsb (liblmgr.a), Copyright (c) 1988-2021 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
[adminpyh@dtdkcphlx0442 altera22]$ ls -la alterad nye/alterad
-rwxr-x---. 1 adminpyh adminpyh 1766272 Sep 27 21:29 alterad
-rwxr-x---. 1 adminpyh adminpyh 1829960 Sep 16 16:50 nye/alterad



0 Kudos

Thanks for your update, hope all is well. I will feedback to internal team for future investigation. This thread will be transitioned to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you

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