Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
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quartus II web edition and modelsim-altera web edition licensing

hello colleague,
          i am returning user learning fpga programming on verilog. I was able to request temporary license for quartus II web edition and modelsim-altera web edition . The version I am using is Quartus II 7.0 Web edition and ModelSim-Altera 6.1g web edition. The temporary license sent to my e-mail are for both Quartus and model-sim when it was Altera before and now already acquired by Intel.
         The link I previously visit was
and it directs me to >>get license>>get license for the Quartus II Web Edition software and the Modelsim-Altera Web Edition Software>> directing me to sign in >> entering NIC card number, selecting yes, include a free modelsim altera web edition license and selecting Academic: academic/educational/hobby purposes>> continue.
        Then an e-mail will be sent to me for the license are for both quartus >>tools>>license setup and modelsim which will be defined path on environmental variables.
        Since Intel has taken over Altera and the new look.  Is there a new link for this? I prefer to use this old version for the mean time before i jump to the latest version with no license required. I will greatly appreciate any help.
Thank you and Stay safe Colleague!  
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