Intel® FPGA University Program
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1203 Discussions

D5M Camera: VHDL Code for images acquisition on DE2-70 Board

Honored Contributor II

Hi to everyone! I would like just a block for acquisition 


in VHDL language, because i am programming in VHDL, 

and the camera code is in Verilog . Thanks
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi to everyone! I would like just a block for acquisition 


in VHDL language, because i am programming in VHDL, 

and the camera code is in Verilog . Thanks 

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Hello cdnv, 


Verilog and VHDL is just a language to descript your module. 

I suggest you read up some syntex on verilog and re-synthesis it to VHDL. 

Be mindful to verify your RTL and also test your module using the test-bench.  

This will ensure your synthesis is correct. 


Please correct me if I am wrong.  



- CrimsonLion
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