Intel® FPGA University Program
University Program Material, Education Boards, and Laboratory Exercises
1209 Discussions

DE2: USB Device to on board SRAM Data Transfer

Honored Contributor II

i am trying to design an architecture of usb controller to enable read data from external flash drive (through usb device port of de2 board) and store it in onboard sram memory chip of altera de2 board and vice versa. i want to do it purely in hardware using vhdl or verilog that means i don't want to use the nios ii or sopc builder. i need some information on this. thanks.

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I am also trying to do the same but with the help of sopc. Can you please guide me. Note that I am new to FPGA.

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Honored Contributor II


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i am trying to design an architecture of usb controller to enable read data from external flash drive (through usb device port of de2 board) and store it in onboard sram memory chip of altera de2 board and vice versa. i want to do it purely in hardware using vhdl or verilog that means i don't want to use the nios ii or sopc builder. i need some information on this. thanks. 

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Hi, i'm just trying the same you just posted time ago. Did you achieve it? Could you say me how or help me with it? thanks
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