Intel® FPGA University Program
University Program Material, Education Boards, and Laboratory Exercises
1206 Discussions

Finding ADC module in Qsys in Quartus II 13.0sp1


I am new to using FPGA boards, and trying to use the ADC on the DE0-1 Terasic board. This is for a final project in an electronics course, and with the quarantine, we are trying something new with these boards: using the ADC. So our instructor does not know much about using the ADC on the board.


I have downloaded the Quartus II software, specifically version 13.0.sp (as suggested by our instructor). I only have the 30 free day trial for this specific project.


I have been following the step by step guide found online: "Using the DE0-Nano ADC Controller". However, I cannot find the last component to add to my Qsys file: the ADC component. The guide suggests that it is found under University Program > Generic IO > DE0-Nano ADC Controller, but I cannot find that directory. And I cannot find any similar ADC component.


It seems like I am missing the University Program components. Are these excluded from the free trial? Or are they only in more recent versions of the software?


If someone could help me find the ADC component in the Qsys program, that would be much appreciated.

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3 Replies

Hi Aedan,


Assuming you have properly download the subscription edition. Install it. Under 'Tools' -> 'License Setup...' click on the 'Begin 30-day Grace Period' button. Make sure the family device for DE0-terasic board is installed (cyclone 2 if im not mistaken). Once installed, in IP catalog, select cyclone 2 --> *loading of the IP for family device* --> you should be able to select ADC IP under University Program > Generic IO > DE0-Nano ADC Controller.




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Thank you for your response! I am still having some issues.


I believe I am on the 30-day grace period. After I installed the software and first opened it, a window prompted me to choose a license. There were choices such as searching online for one, providing a folder location, and using a 30-day free trial. I selected the 30-day free trial. Then, when I go to the license set up, the 'Begin 30-day Grace Period' button is grayed out. I suspect that means that I am on the free trial already. Please let me know if that's not the case.Free trial.JPG


Now, assuming I am on the free trial and should have these University Programs, where do I find the IP catalog? Do you mean in the Qsys program, because I do not see an IP Catalog. I also do not see the IP Catalog in the main software. Can you elaborate on where I can find the IP Catalog?

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Hi Aedan,

In Quartus, select View in Window panel --> Utility Window --> IP catalog or simply press alt+7. IP catalog window will pop up at right side of the screen.




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