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How can I find what is the variable 'var$149'?
The option to make the load module is
ifort -o molyx.x -V -g -debug extended -save-temps -traceback -warn all -warn nointerfaces -I/opt/intel/compilers_and_librar\
ies/mac/mkl/include/intel64/lp64 -I/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/mac/mkl/include -extend-source 132 -\
zero -qopt-report=5 -qopt-report-phase=all -Wl,-stack_size -Wl,0x40000000 -check stack -check uninit -check pointe\
rs -check contiguous -check bounds -check nobounds \
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Does the traceback information yield a hint as to the location of the error?
Jim Dempsey
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var$149 is a temporary variable created by the compiler. I think the message suggests that something wrote into stack storage before or after where var$149 was allocated due to an error. This check doesn't get made until after a procedure return, I think. A traceback will at least tell you the approximate location of the call that triggered the check, but it will be more work to take it from there.
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Thank you for answering to my question. Unfortunately there were no traceback messages for this error, even though all codes were compiled with option "traceback" . For the other errors, I do have traceback messages, but not for this case.
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I have located where the job stopped. The variable is a local allocatable array "ch".
I inserted "deallocate (ch), then the job stopped without any messages.
I inserted a write sentence to examine the parameters for "ch".
The code (main_basis_inp.f90) and output file (0214waterSTO-6G.txt) are attached.
Lines 103-105 in main_basis_inp.f90 are where the job stopped.
Lines 264-265 in 0214waterSTO-6G.txt are the output for Lines 103-104 in the code.
In all subroutines having "ch" in the argment, "Intent(in):: ch" is declared.
Any suggestion is welcome !
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Nothing was attached.
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Thank you for your concern.
It seems I fixed the problem.
I added "intent(out)" in the subroutines, redbas, and read_basis_files, which are called before ending the current subroutine, where the job stops.
The part of source is,
allocate (ch(mapdat)) ! local
! Examine whether $jpbfile.BASIS exists.
inquire (file=bssfile, EXIST=Lexist)
if (Lexist) then
write(iwrit2, '(/,3x, A, A, A)') 'The basis set ', trim(bssfile), &
& ' is already created but is not reused.'
! 03 feb. 2014 only warining
end if
! for general basis sets on the diretory
call redbas(ch)
call read_basis_file(ch)
! close the input text data file
text_data = trim(jobname)//'.'//trim(task_dat)
call fmclose(trim(text_data))
! --- test of read
if (Ltest1.ge.1.or.lucard(cprint).eq.'YES') then
call red_bas_f(bssfile, .true.)
call wrt_bas(iwrit2,nbasis, nshell, nprimit, &
katom, kng,kstart,ktype,kloc,kmin,kmax, &
ex, cs, cp, cd, cf, cg, .true.)
end if
!xw if (trim(smash).ne.''.or.trim(smash).ne.'NO') then
if (trim(smash).ne.'') then
call wrt_smash_basis(smash)
end if
!xw if (trim(gaussian).ne.''.or.trim(smash).ne.'NO') then
if (trim(gaussian).ne.'') then
call wrt_gaussian_basis(gaussian)
end if
if (trim(molden).ne.'') then
write (iwrit2,'(/,3X,A, A)' ) &
'The basis set file for MOLDEN is output on. ', &
call wrt_molden_basis(molden)
end if
if (lucard(molpro).eq.'YES') then
write (iwrit2,'(/,3X,A)' ) &
'The file for MOLPRO is created. '
if (idcard('MOLP_MEM', nnd, ch).eq.0) then
molp_mem = 8000
write (iwrit2, '(/, 3x, A, I0)') 'Memory for molpro is the default value, ', molp_mem
molp_mem = icard('MOLP_MEM', nnd, ch)
write (iwrit2,'(/,3x, A, I0)') 'Memory for molpro is the input value, ', molp_mem
end if
call wrt_molproin(jobname, molp_mem, nshell, &
katom, kng, kstart, &
ex, cs, cp, cd, cf, cg)
end if
!2018/02/14 added
write(6,'(3x, A)') 'A local array ch is deallocated'
write(6,'(3x, 2(A, I0, 3x))') 'MxLen = ', MxLen, ' mapdat = ', mapdat
! for ending
call end_basis
! the above call caused "Boundary Run-Time Check Failure for variable 'var$138'"
! No !!
write(6,*) 'in main_basis_inp'
end subroutine main_basis_inp
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