Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Compaq Visual Fortran


I have a copy of the original Digital Visual Fortran which eventually became the Compaq Visual Fortran. I have purchesed all upgrades and versions until they have discontinued. It runs in Windows XP great. I wanted to install it in Window 10 but it won't install. I get a message saying this program (the installation) cannot run in Windows 10. Then I sipmly copied my installation from XP to Win 10 and tried to compile and I've got df.exe can't run message (or something like that).

If this is not possible for Windows 10, would this version install and run in Windows 7 or 8?

Does anyone know who to get around this? Thanks.

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11 Replies
Honored Contributor III

On one of my PCs, which had Windows 7 X-64 when it was bought, I installed CVF 6.6 by running the installer from the X86 directory of the CD. The OS got upgraded, in time, to 7.1, 8, 8.1 and now Windows 10 X-64. The CVF installation continues to work -- in fact, it works better in W10 than it did in W8.1. If you wish to have CVF on W10, I suggest that, instead of attempting to run the installer on W10, you back-up a working CVF installation from, say, an older computer running XP, and restore the files on W10. You may need to save the appropriate branch of the Windows registry on XP and load it, modified if necessary, on W10.

Another alternative is to run XP in a VM on W10 and install CVF in the VM.

All these take quite a bit of effort and may not work, so the question follows: how badly do you need to have CVF on W10?

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Honored Contributor III
This subject may be too broad to summarize if you don't care to look up what's been posted before. Among win7 options are running under xpm. It's been said win10 is preferable even though the CD 16 bit auto-run install can't work.
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Thank you for the replies. Well, first of all the current product Intel sells is extremely expensive. Actuialy it is ridiculously expensive.Cheapest I can find around $800. Second is when I tried to run df.exe it didn't run. If df.exe doesn't run I would hav eno choice but to get rid of windows 10 since I can't afford to buy a new version. In addition, I don;t even know if the new version will copmpile my program. It a 200k line code I don't think I can modify it if it didn't compile with what ever is Intel is selling now. I don't want to pay $800 and find out it won't work.
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Honored Contributor III

You can download, install and test the Intel compiler on your code for free -- look for the 30-day evaluation.

For the longer term, if you do not wish to purchase the Intel compiler, I suggest that you try Gfortran or Silverfrost FTN95 on your code. If your code is written in standard Fortran, that is, without any reliance on non-standard DF/CVF extensions, it should run fine with either of those compilers. Another free Fortran 77 compiler is from OpenWatcom.

As I stated in #2, CVF 6.6C runs fine on Windows-10.


Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10240]

D:\lang>d:\lang\cvf\DF98\BIN\df /ver
Compaq Visual Fortran Optimizing Compiler Version 6.6 (Update C)
Copyright 2003 Compaq Computer Corp. All rights reserved.


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Thanks mecej4.

My code is using the window calls compaq visual fortran has an interface for. A straingt fortran compiler will not do, But I will try the free trial download.

But no one sells a visual fortran with MS Studio any more? I have Intel's visual fortran with MS studio at work, which we purchased only a few years ago. Does anybody sell that?


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Honored Contributor III

Turgay B. wrote:

But no one sells a visual fortran with MS Studio any more? I have Intel's visual fortran with MS studio at work, which we purchased only a few years ago. Does anybody sell that?

I am puzzled by your questions. The current Intel Visual Fortran, which is named "Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler for applications running on IA-32, Version Build 20150815", is sold as part of the products named "Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016" and ""Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 Composer Edition". This is the version that you described as "expensive".

At least three other Fortran compiler vendors offer a version of Fortran that is integrated with some version of MS Visual Studio.

0 Kudos

You need to by pass the default  setup.exe , use the one under x86/setup.exe instead:

(1)Open the CD with explorer

(2) Go to folder x86

(3) execute the setup.exe  located inside folder :: x86/setup.exe

(4) You can apply all updates as usual.

It works very well for me. Email me if you have any concerns.


0 Kudos

Dear All,

This is regarding the application - Compaq Visual Fortran

Could you help me in getting answers for below questions?

1. What is the earliest compatible version(s) of this application in Windows 10 OS?    
     (Please reply  Yes/No options for queries 2 to 4)
2. Is the application Web enabled?    
3. Does the application Use VB6/ASP/Web-plugins?    
4. Does the application use any of the below MS-Office products?    
     Front page    
     Power point    
5. If Query #4 is Yes, What is the MS-Office version?    

Many thanks in advance.



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Honored Contributor III

All the answers you seek are easily available on the Web, but a little bit of common sense is needed to complete the picture. Someone who still uses CVF would certainly know the answers, so I suspect that this is a homework or examination question in the context of a computing-related course. If so, the intent of the assignment is to get you do "learn to fish", so asking "give me a fish" is not a suitable first step. 

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It sounds more like a software procurement questionnaire to me. I will answer.

1. None - CVF was discontinued in 2004 long before Windows 10. That combination was never supported.
2. No - it is a desktop application
3. No.
4. No.
5. N/A

Intel Visual Fortran (as part of Intel Parallel Studio XE) would change answer 1 to Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016. The other answers remain.

0 Kudos

Thanks Samy for your comment. I just bought a Surface Pro 4 and installed Compaq Visual Fortran 6.1 following your advice by running setup.exe from x86 folder. My fortran programs from windows 7 run perfectly with windows 10. You have to create a short cut for the Developer Studio after installation.

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