Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Compiler XE 2013 and VS 2012 don't like each other


Compilation works fine. But Build gives the error message "rc.exe not found". I have no source file called rc. I have gone through the steps in the article "Troubleshooting Fortran Integration Issues with Visual Studio" by Steve Lionel, 11/09/2011. But to no avail!

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18 Replies
Honored Contributor III

rc.exe is provided by Visual Studio, at least when you use supported versions of it (not VS Express, not versions of VS Shell other than the one provided in an Intel Fortran compiler install package). It may help if you will tell specific versions you are installing, in what order, and what you are trying to accomplish if you aren't following one of the supported paths.

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Tim is correct - rc.exe should be available in supported configurations of VS2012. I use this combination every day.

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This is my story: I subscribe to "Intel Premier Support Services and product updates for Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE for Windows with IMSL". Recently, I was offered an update, which I downloaded and proceeded to install. However, I was told that in order to run this new version under VS I needed VS 2012. This gave rise to a few well-chosen not too kind expressions, in Norwegian, but I am sure you would have gotten the gist of it. I was not offered an update to VS, so I bought VS 2012 from the Microsoft Store in Norway, not cheaply. I installed this, and afterwards the compiler update. So, on my computer I now have Visual Studio Professional 2012, Version 11.0.60610.01 Update 3. The list of installed items contains Intel(R) Visual Fortran with Package ID w_fcompxe_2013_sp1.0.103. As I said, this works for compilation but not for linking. Do you people actually mean that my support is worthless and that I am supposed to buy a new package with a "supported" version of VS 2012? And what about IMSL, another package to be purchased? If so, where do I find all this, and what exactly is it called?

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Honored Contributor III

The latest ifort no longer works with VS2005, but VS2008 Pro (with service packs) up through VS2012 Pro work.  You can also install without Visual Studio, if you don't need C or C++, using the VS2010 Shell provided with ifort.  All this has been discussed repeatedly here, and should also be covered in the docs section of your latest ifort install (even if it isn't fully working).

VS2012 Pro or ultimate are recommended for use with ifort, if you need the C++.  You do need to select the C++ install option in VS2012; if you didn't do that, remove the ifort installation, add C++ in VS2012, and repeat the ifort installation.

If you bought VS2012 to provide an update from VS2005, it should be OK to leave VS2005, as the newest compiler would ignore it.

Some combinations of VS Express with ifort or VS Shell versions not provided with ifort have been known to raise the problem about rc.exe.  It seems you have the right ingredients, and repeating installation, correcting any missing steps, ought to take care of it.

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It's possible you were confused by a message that is shown during installation that refers to debugging of applications to run on Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) Architecure (Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.) If you're doing this, then you need VS2012. But most likely you are not using Intel MIC from Windows and can ignore this message.

As Tim said, you didn't need to buy VS2012 - you could use the included VS2010 Shell. As for IMSL, right now to see the IMSL installer at Intel Registration Center you need to select the older version, Composer XE 2013 Update 5. Work is in progress to resolve that problem.

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Valued Contributor I

IIRC rc.exe should be located in Windows SDK in \bin folder.

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That is correct. However, I do see occasional reports that rc.exe can't be found even though the Visual Studio paths would appear to include it. Sometimes what helps is to add the full path to the SDK bin folder to the "Executable Files" list in Tools > Options > Intel Composer XE > Compilers.

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I have more or less given up on this. VS 2012 can't find rt.exe. VS 2010 can't find mt.exe, and in addition lets a little demon I am unable to locate plant a virus, which F-secure then identifies and kills. Luckily, I have been able to revive a laptop with a still working Digital Fortran. Unfortunately, the installatioon CDs for this don't work beyond XP. I have, tentatively, come to the conclusion that Intel Fortran is not really for me, a long retired physics professor who has written miles of Fortran but is strictly a plug-and-play person. I am not quite up to digging in the articles section for obscure commands to lind to the IMSL and long-winded recipes for trouble-fixing. One of you tells me these things have been "discussed repeatedly". Fine for those who are more interested in the software as such than in using it. As for me, I wish for a download-install-use package, for instance like Microsoft Office. Wish you all interesting repeated discussions!

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Honored Contributor III

Interesting parallel.  I expect to need to return to Office 2003, but I wouldn't do it without taking the patches.

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I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems, but this combination works well for most people. It certainly does not put viruses on your system - what does F-Secure think this virus is called (what is the executable name)? Is it possible that F-Secure is actually removing part of the VS product thinking it's a virus?

What is "rt.exe"? I've never heard of that. mt.exe is the Microsoft manifest tool, and is included.

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 Can't agree more, when debug my code, I cannot find any variable in the "locals" window, even in the "watch" window. but it works well with IVF 2013 + VS2010.

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cannot agree more, when debug my code, I can't find any variables in the "locals" window. it works well in the VS2010 with IVF2013

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About rt.exe: My VS2012 does indeed give that as the name of the file it cannot find.

 About my virus problem: I never saw Visual Fortran as the culprit but rather as the victim. Trying to build a solution in VS2010 I get a message from F-secure to the effect that a virus has been found and destroyed. The name of the virus varies. Examples are Graftor.114664, Graftor.114512, Graftor.118195 and Kazy.269195. I have been unable to locate the demon that does this to me. A full search with Malwarebytes gave nothing. I just picture him sitting somewhere inside my computer, waving his green horns and laughing at me.

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Honored Contributor II

Just for information I scanned my computer and I do not have rt.exe on my systems so i not not think it is part of VS or the windows SDK. I do get occaisional build failures realting to mt.exe the manifest tool as sometime my virus checker sees adding bits to an existing exe file as virus like behaviour.  I exclude the VS ouput folder where I create the exe files from some aspects of the virus checker as otherwise the oproblem comes and goes as virus updates are added.

As a mater iof interest what location does the F-secure find the 'virus' and what was the name of the actual file?.

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I often find that virus scanners get upset when they see executables being created or modified, so on my systems I tell the AV tool to exclude my project folders. The next time you see a mention of rt.exe, please reply here and attach a ZIP of the buildlog.htm file from the build. This may help me figure out what it is looking for. Might you have a custom build step that looks for this?

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I just installed visual fortran composer XE for windows on window 7 and out shopping for visual studio.   I found four different versions.   VS Ultimate, VS pro, VS premium.

The question is which will do the job?  I like to have a clean install.  

I am trying to make the jump from my version 6.5 which I still use with XP that came bunled with VS studio.

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The Professional Edition will be fine - only buy the more expensive editions if you need those added features. But you don't have to buy anything if all you want to do is Fortran development, Like CVF, Intel Visual Fortran includes a Visual Studio-based Fortran development environment. Like CVF, the bundled environment is not a complete Visual Studio in that it has no Microsoft languages (C++, VB, etc.). There are two features you don't get with the bundled "Shell" environment: the resource editor for creating dialog boxes, etc., and the ability to convert CVF projects. If you buy Visual Studio and then install Fortran, you get both of those.

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Valued Contributor I

Usually AV will hook CreateThread/CreateProcess,SetThreadContext and ReadFile/WriteFile functions to monitor process and thread creation and disk I/O activity.So sometimes you will get a false positive more often when real time scanning is enabled and/or heuristic analysis is on.Try to disable real time scanning and exclude from scanning your development folder.

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