Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Convert variant to string.


I am trying to write a subroutine to convert a variant to a string but I am not having any success. I would be grateful for any assistance.

The code I have come up with so far is:


VariantToString(V, Str)

use ifwinty

use ifcom

implicit none

type(variant), intent(in):: V

character(len=*), intent(out):: Str

integer*4:: Hr

select case (V%varVal%vt)

case (VT_BSTR)

Hr = ConvertBSTRtoString( V%varVal%bstrVal, Str )

if ( Hr .ne. S_OK ) then

Str = ""


case default

Str = ""

end select


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1 Reply
New Contributor III

I think you ought to define a length foryour character buffer. Try


and see if that works. I assume ConvertBSTRtoString is defined in one of the IVF modules you are USEing, along with S_OK and VT_BSTR etc. ? There should be a routine or function for determining the length of the bit-string buffer, so that you can test if your character string buffer is large enough to take the bit string. If not, you can do it using

INTEGER(4) strbufflen
POINTER (pString, strbufflen)

pString=V%varVal%bstrVal - 4

The bit-string pointer 'V%varVal%bstrVal' points to the first character in the bit string, butthe bit string itselfis preceded by 4-bytes that stores the length of the bit string buffer, so point 'pString' to the first of these 4 bytes, after which the bit-string lengthwillbe accessable as 'strbufflen'.

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