Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Error messagge when using IMSL libraries


I have recently purchased a licence for Intel fortran XE composer edition  with IMSL libraries. I was trying to write a simple code for  practising with the use of  IMSL libraries. I report below the code:

program prova


integer m,i
parameter (m=2)
double precision a(m,m),ainv(m,m)

a(1,1) = 1.0d0
a(1,2) = 2.0d0
a(2,1) = 3.0d0
a(2,2) = 4.0d0

25 format(2(1X,F7.4))  
! Computing the inverse of A  using the IMSL library subroutine
call D_LINRG(a,ainv)

print*, 'A inverse is:'
do i = 1,m
    print 25, ainv(i,:)
end do
end program

when iI try to build the project ( I have visual studio 2015) I get the following error messagge:

error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file.  Check INCLUDE paths.   [D_LINRG_INT]

Can anybody help me solve this problem?

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22 Replies
Honored Contributor III

"Visual Studio" and many Windows GUI programs mean different things to different people. Some of the confusion, I suspect, is deliberately introduced by software vendors and consumers. Does it mean just the IDE? The SDK and MS C compiler that it comes with? The Intel Parallel Studio package? IMSL?

Visual Studio is the "fixer"/"tout" that you interact with. Behind your back, it calls the actual tools that do the brunt of the job, and displays the results to you. Most users give credit for the entire work to VS.

You do need to install the MS headers, libraries and tools that come as part of Visual Studio in order to use the Intel compilers.

Yes, you can use any text editor, including the recently released Visual Studio Code editor ( to edit source files and build and run the code in the Parallel Studio command window. That's what I do most of the time. An IDE is fine for smaller projects and for beginners, and whoever else prefers it. It is by no means essential for production work.

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This morning, when I have tried to compile my files throught Visual Studio I have obtenied this message "error product support for your (COMP-FW) license has expired.

In June 2016 I installed "Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 3 Cluster Edition" and then " Visual Studio 2015". 

How can I resolve this problem?

Thanks for your time,


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