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The Itanium Solutions Alliancewill host another Developer Dayseventon April 26-28at the Doubletree Hotel San Jose.

The Developer Days events are no-cost workshops established to facilitate the porting of targeted applications to Itanium platforms. The event agenda includes three days of interactive lectures and proctored hands-on labs in the Linux environment. These presentations aretargeted at ISVs, system integrators and end user developers engaged in leading edge development efforts.

The San Jose Developer Days workshop will be collocated with the Gelato ICE: Itanium Conference & Expo. A Developer Days track will be intergrated in to the Gelato ICE 2006 technical program on Wednesday, April 26th. The remaining presentations and lab sessions will take place on Thursday and Friday. These presentations andhands-on labs will allow for expert instructors to assist attendees with any questionsor challengesin porting to Itanium. We urge you to attend the entire Gelato ICE: Itanium Conference & Expo as well. This event is the world's only conference dedicated specifically to Linux on Itanium architecture. You will be able to join leading end users, developers, researchers, ISVs, and system vendors for 50+ technical presentations on the platform. Discover which tools to use and how to use them to maximize the performance of your Linux/Itanium-based systems.

Take advantage of thisgreat opportunity to attend two of the industry's top Itanium workshops on Linux.

Space at the Developer Days workshop is limited so sign up soon! Click here to register.

A complete event agenda can be found here.

View photos from past Developer Days events or review the coupon books offered by our Founding Sponsors and Charter Members.

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