Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Future of CVF?

Steve Lionel has indicated that he will henceforth focus on Intel IVF support issues, and that HP will assume the burden of supporting CVF.
But just what is the future of CVF? Will this product continue tobe supported, with significant resources devoted to the evolution of successor versions? The chat here is that the new IVF v8 product is the logical successor to CVF, with the clear implication that CVF has reached the end of its life, effective with v6.6C. Is this actually true, or does HP have plans, independent of Intel, to continue supporting and evolving this product?
One may infer from listening to HP's moron-in-chief Fiorina that they wouldrather sell washing machines or MP3 players than actually do anything which looks like computer engineering; hard to believe they would have any committment to maintain a high-profit high-volume product such as CVF.
Any comments from/about HP?
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I have to be very careful what I say about this...
HP has indicated that they will continue to sell the existing CVF 6.6 for the forseeable future. They have not indicated an interest in continuing development of it.
All of the Fortran front-end engineers now work for Intel.
For any more, you'd have to ask HP.
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