Intel® Fortran Compiler
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How to free memory

Hi all Due to limited size of my RAM, I need to free RAM. In Fact, I find that I could delete a matrix(10,000*10,000 integer*4) after a step and after that I do not need this matrix. So I want to ask is there a way to free memory after this step? I have attached my code for further information.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III

If you want to be able to change the allocation status of an array, that array has to be allocatable or be a pointer. Without those attributes and without invoking a compiler option such as /heap-arrays, you will get the array allocated on the stack and deallocated when control leaves the subprogram of which the array is a local variable.

A different way of reducing the memory requirement is to examine your algorithm to see if you can do the processing in chunks. Does the whole 2-D array have to in memory at the same time? Could you, instead, process it a row at a time, or a column at a time, or in blocks of other shapes?

Another question is related to what you wish to do with any memory that is released. If you have no use for it in the remaining portions of the program, you can simply let the RTL and the OS do the garbage collection.

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Honored Contributor II
       PROGRAM opinion_dynamic
       INTEGER, PARAMETER :: N= 20000 !No. of nodes
       INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nt= 500 !No. of time steps
       INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ne= 100 !No. of ensembles
       INTEGER, PARAMETER :: q= 20 
       REAL, PARAMETER :: re_prop= 0.99 !rewiring probability of w-s
       INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nw= 4
       INTEGER :: nw1, i, j, k, u, l
	   integer :: istat
	   integer, allocatable :: a(:.:)
       REAL :: x, p
       OPEN (1, FILE= 'out')
       !HERE I need a matrix
	   allocate( a(n,n), stat = istat)
	   if (istat /= 0 ) stop ! allocation failed tell user /do something 
       nw1= nw/2
       a= 0
       DO i= 1, n
          Do j=-nw1,-1
             u= MOD(i+j, n)
             IF(u <= 0) u= u+ n
             a(i,u)= 1
          DO j=1,nw1
             u= MOD(i+j, n)
             IF(u == 0) u= u+ n
             a(i,u)= 1
       DO i= 1, n
          DO j= 1, nw1
             CALL RANDOM_NUMBER (x)
             IF ( x > p) GOTO 125
             128 CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(x)
             x= 1.0+ n*x
             l= FLOOR (x) ! new node
             IF (l == i) GOTO 128 !avoiding selfloop
             IF (a(l,i) == 1) GOTO 128 !avoiding multi link
             u= MOD(i+j, n) !pervious node
             IF(u == 0) u= u+ n
             a(i,u)= 0; a(u,i)= 0
             a(i,l)= 1; a(l,i)= 1
             125 CONTINUE
             !IF(sum(a) .ne. k*nw)print*,sum(a), i, u, l
       !After this, I do not need a matrix
       deallocate( a, stat = istat) ! clean up
       !other part of my code
       ENDPROGRAM opinion_dynamic


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