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How to transfer efficiently an unformatted file between processes without parsing it ?



Im developing a distributed application in Fortran using MPI. I would like to transfer a file by network from a process to the others. The file is an unformatted file created by another Fortran application. I have a complex subroutine which can parse this file and fill plenty of structures and variables.

The size of these variables is about 10 times bigger than the file itself. So in order to minimize the network load, Im trying to transfer the raw file and parse it in each process.

My first solution was to read the file in binary mode and fill a buffer (basically an integer array) and broadcast this buffer. It works fine and any of the process can write back on the disk the exact same file for testing purposes.

But many processes are running on each machine so for performance and concurrency problems I search to avoid this hard drive writing operation and make my parsing routine use directly the buffer in memory. I tried using a memory pipe and writing in it in binary mode and opening this pipe in unformatted mode and passing the corresponding unite as it to my parsing routing, but the opening fails.

The other solution would be to directly read the file in unformatted mode without parsing it, but I have no idea what kind of data I could use to store the records.

Any help about my problems or another way to achieve rapidly this data transfer would be greatly appreciated.


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III
It may be worth your while to assess the shmem data sharing method, if that is available on your cluster and your MPI supports using shmem.
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Thank you for your answer.

After some searches, it doesn't seem that shmem could solve my problem.
I would still have the file format problem which make that i can not use binary-read datas as some unformatted data or loading in memory an unformatted file without parsing it.

I'm still working on the problem, so any help is welcome.
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