Intel® Fortran Compiler
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ICE with 17.4 and OO feature test - solved with PSXE 2018 up2

New Contributor III

Hi all,

I played around with OO features to get familiar with it and stumbled over an ICE with PSXE 2017 update 4 (cp. attached build log).

1>------ Build started: Project: OO_Test_polymorph, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>Compiling with Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler [Intel(R) 64]...
1>fortcom: Fatal: There has been an internal compiler error (C0000005).
1>compilation aborted for D:\02_Fortran\99_test\OO_Test_polymorph\mod_fruit.f90 (code 1)

My test code is based on the example from Mark Leair 'Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran 2003 Part 2: Data Polymorphism' (, but I had to rework it, because of the license terms in the example header. The ICE does not occur in the original code from link above, but on a modified version of it.

Here it is:

submodule (mod_fruit) smod_fruit
  implicit none
  module subroutine initialize(fruit, color, filled, weight, price, diameter, misc)
    ! initialize shape objects
    class(fruit_t) :: fruit
    integer :: color
    logical :: filled
    integer :: weight
    integer :: price
    integer, optional :: diameter
    integer, optional :: misc

    fruit%color  = color
    fruit%filled = filled
    fruit%weight = weight
    fruit%price  = price
    select type (fruit)
    type is (fruit_t)
          ! no further initialization required
    class is (apple)
        ! rectangle or square specific initializations
        if (present(diameter))  then
           fruit%diameter = diameter
           fruit%diameter = 0
        if (present(misc)) then
            fruit%misc = misc
            fruit%misc = 0
    class default
      ! give error for unexpected/unsupported type
         stop 'initialize: unexpected type for sh object!'
    end select
  end subroutine initialize
  !module function constructor(color, filled, weight, price)
  !      implicit none
  !      type(fruit_t) :: constructor
  !      integer :: color
  !      logical :: filled
  !      integer :: weight
  !      integer :: price
  !      call constructor%initialize(color, filled, weight, price)
  !      return
  !end function constructor
end submodule
module mod_fruit
  implicit none

  type, public ::  fruit_t
      integer :: color
      logical :: filled
      integer :: weight
      integer :: price
      procedure :: initialize
  end type fruit_t
  type, extends(fruit_t), public :: apple
      integer :: diameter
      integer :: misc
  end type apple
  type, extends(apple), public :: pi
  end type pi
  public :: constructor
    module subroutine initialize(fruit, color, filled, weight, price, diameter, misc)
          implicit none
          class(fruit_t) :: fruit
          integer :: color
          logical :: filled
          integer :: weight
          integer :: price
          integer, optional :: diameter
          integer, optional :: misc
    end subroutine
  end interface
  ! this version works fine
  !  module function constructor(color, filled, weight, price)
  !      implicit none
  !      type(fruit_t) :: constructor
  !      integer :: color
  !      logical :: filled
  !      integer :: weight
  !      integer :: price
  !  end function constructor
  !end interface
  ! this version throws an ICE 'fortcom: Fatal: There has been an internal compiler error (C0000005).'
  function constructor(color, filled, weight, price)
        implicit none
        type(fruit_t) :: constructor
        integer :: color
        logical :: filled
        integer :: weight
        integer :: price
        call constructor%initialize(color, filled, weight, price)
  end function constructor

end module
program OO_Test_polymorph
  use mod_fruit
  implicit none

  ! Variables
  type(fruit_t) :: my_fruit
  my_fruit = constructor(color=1,filled=.true.,weight=3, price=4)
end program OO_Test_polymorph

If the function 'constructor' is contained in the module mod_fruit, the ICE occurs. If only the interface is present and the function is placed in the submodule smod_fruit, the program runs fine. Is it forbidden to name a function constructor? What is wrong here.

Best regards, Johannes

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1 Solution
13 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Johannes wrote:

.. What is wrong here...

An Intel Fortran compiler bug, unfortunately.  And the bug is present in compiler 18.0 Beta update 1 as well.  It'll be good if you can submit an incident at the Intel's Online Service Center. 

As far as I can tell, the code looks alright but besides an ICE is always a compiler error.

0 Kudos
New Contributor III


I submitted the ICE to Intel's Online Service Center. The case number is 02992524, in case it helps anyone, maybe only interesting for the Intel experts here.

It costs about 10 minutes to file the things in Online Service Center, if you're not familiar with the web interface. But if it helps to getter better products...

@FortranFan: Thanks for your comment. Bad to hear, that 18 beta update 1 is also affected. Hopefully Intel can fix this before the official release of PSXE 2018 (in September/October ?).

Best regards, Johannes

0 Kudos

johannes k. wrote:


I submitted the ICE to Intel's Online Service Center. The case number is 02992524, in case it helps anyone, maybe only interesting for the Intel experts here.

It costs about 10 minutes to file the things in Online Service Center, if you're not familiar with the web interface. But if it helps to getter better products...

Thank you, Johannes! Absolutely, it helps to improve our software products.

0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Hi all, the Intel support has confirmed the issue with an ICE for the above mentioned example for PSXE 2017 update 4, PSXE 2018 beta update 1 and for the latest build. The tracking ID is CMPLRS-45114. Thanks for the quick feedback. Definitely a plus for the OSC.

0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Hi, PSXE 2018 update 1 solved the ICE issue, as I was informed by OSC. Unfortunately, I get another error now. Taking smod_fruit and the main program unchanged from the 1st post and changing mod_fuit to:

module mod_fruit
  implicit none

  type, public ::  fruit_t
      integer :: color
      logical :: filled
      integer :: weight
      integer :: price
      procedure :: initialize
  end type fruit_t
  type, extends(fruit_t), public :: apple
      integer :: diameter
      integer :: misc
  end type apple
  type, extends(apple), public :: pi
  end type pi
  public :: constructor
    module subroutine initialize(fruit, color, filled, weight, price, diameter, misc)
          implicit none
          class(fruit_t) :: fruit
          integer :: color
          logical :: filled
          integer :: weight
          integer :: price
          integer, optional :: diameter
          integer, optional :: misc
    end subroutine
  end interface
  !! this version works fine
  !  module function constructor(color, filled, weight, price, diameter, misc)
  !      implicit none
  !      type(fruit_t) :: constructor
  !      integer :: color
  !      logical :: filled
  !      integer :: weight
  !      integer :: price
  !      integer, optional :: diameter
  !      integer, optional :: misc
  !  end function constructor
  !end interface
  ! this version throws an ICE 'fortcom: Fatal: There has been an internal compiler error (C0000005).'
  ! UPDATE from PSXE 2018 update 1, no ICE occurs but: 
  !   1>error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol INITIALIZE referenced in function MOD_FRUIT_mp_CONSTRUCTOR
  !   1>x64\Debug\OO_Test_polymorph.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
  function constructor(color, filled, weight, price)
        implicit none
        type(fruit_t) :: constructor
        integer :: color
        logical :: filled
        integer :: weight
        integer :: price
        call constructor%initialize(color, filled, weight, price)
  end function constructor

end module

I don't understand the link error:

1>mod_fruit.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol INITIALIZE referenced in function MOD_FRUIT_mp_CONSTRUCTOR
1>x64\Debug\OO_Test_polymorph.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I did not change the interface nor the submodule for the initialize subroutine. The version where 'intitialize' and 'constructor' are both in the submodule and both have the interfaces in mod_fuit works still fine. Is there something wrong with public and private?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

johannes k. wrote:

..I don't understand the link error:

1>mod_fruit.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol INITIALIZE referenced in function MOD_FRUIT_mp_CONSTRUCTOR
1>x64\Debug\OO_Test_polymorph.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I did not change the interface nor the submodule for the initialize subroutine. The version where 'intitialize' and 'constructor' are both in the submodule and both have the interfaces in mod_fuit works still fine. Is there something wrong with public and private?


Chalk it up as another Intel Fortran compiler bug; it seems to now have some issue with including symbols of MODULE procedures in the mod files.

In your code if you replace the MODULE SUBROUTINE 'Initialize' with a contained procedure in your mod_fruit module itself, then the program builds fine

I suggest you submit another incident at the Intel OSC.


0 Kudos
New Contributor III

@FortranFan: Many thanks for your check. Your help is always welcome!

@all I reopened the ticket in OSC and will share the answers.

I will test, what gfortran 7.x will make of my code.

0 Kudos
New Contributor III


it seems to be a bug in PSXE 2018 update 1. gfortran-7.2 compiles and runs fine with the code above:

-------------- Build: Debug in OO_Test (compiler: GNU Fortran Compiler 7.2)---------------

gfortran-7.2 -Jobj/Debug/ -Wextra -Wall -fcheck=all  -g     -c /Fortran/OO_Test/mod_fruit.f90 -o obj/Debug/Dokumente/Fortran/OO_Test/mod_fruit.o
gfortran-7.2 -Jobj/Debug/ -Wextra -Wall -fcheck=all  -g     -c /Fortran/OO_Test/smod_fruit.f90 -o obj/Debug/Dokumente/Fortran/OO_Test/smod_fruit.o
gfortran-7.2 -Jobj/Debug/ -Wextra -Wall -fcheck=all  -g     -c /Fortran/OO_Test/OO_Test_polymorph.f90 -o obj/Debug/Dokumente/Fortran/OO_Test/OO_Test_polymorph.o
gfortran-7.2  -o bin/Debug/OO_Test obj/Fortran/OO_Test/mod_fruit.o obj/Fortran/OO_Test/smod_fruit.o obj/Fortran/OO_Test/OO_Test_polymorph.o   
Output file is bin/Debug/OO_Test with size 16,74 KB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))
0 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))



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New Contributor III

Hi, Lorri answered in another thread to a related issue (submodule is also used), that 18.0.2 might solve the bug:

We had an unfortunate bug where we were generating incorrect 'external name' requests, and I think your program ran afoul of it.

This has been fixed in the sources that will be part of 18.0 Update 2, which is coming out soon.

            Sorry for the inconvenience --



0 Kudos

I took your original program from #1 and built it successfully using our current internal build for the next 18.0 update

As much as I would love to tell you when the Update 2 is coming out, I can't.   All I can say is "soon".   

          I'll put this note in the other topic as well.


0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Dear Lorri, many thanks for your update. I highly appreciate it and it's very good to know, that update 2 solves this issue, too.

Best regards, Johannes

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New Contributor III

Hi, I can confinrm that PSXE 2018 update 2 solves the issues. My example works fine now. Thanks Intel team!

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