Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Intel 6.0 compile and VS 6.0

I am in the process of looking to upgrade an older version of Compaq FORTRAN (6.1). I was considering moving to the INTEL line since it will be the one that will survive. I downloaded the demo version, but am unclear as to whether it "intergrates" with the VS 6.0 IDE as the Compaq version did. It does not appear to do so. Integration with the IDE is important. Should I instead consider the latest (last) version of the Compaq FORTRAN which I think is integraded with the IDE.

Our real interest is integration with Visual Studio 7.0 but from what I understand, this will not be available until later.


Scott Parks
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2 Replies
I'm not sure what you mean by "the one that will survive". The current line of Intel Fortran compilers will be replaced in 2003 by one that is Compaq Visual Fortran at its heart, with the Intel optimizer and code generator. For language features and semantics, it will be CVF that lives on in the new merged product.

Intel Fortran 6.0 does not offer the VS6 integration that CVF does. You can invoke the compiler from DevStudio, but there's no mixed-language debugging, no dependence analyzer, no combined project settings boxes, etc. The next version, due late this year, will integrate into VS.NET, though not as completely as CVF does with VS6 today. The merged product next year will be as fully integrated as we can make it.

You may want to download the 30-day evaluation copy of Intel Fortran 6 (if you have Visual Studio or Visual C++ Professional) to see how you like it as a compiler. If you do, then you can certainly choose it as your upgrade. Intel Fortran has some nice advantages, including REAL*16 support (which will be in future products as well.)

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Thanks for the informaion.

What I meant by "one that survives" is that the compiler will be marketed in the future under the INTEL name but the availability under the Compaq name will be/may be only for the short term.

I have downloaded the 30 day version, but was not sure of the IDE integration question. We will be evaluting the compiler.

What I am looking for, is the best near term compiler to upgrade to. We have been using CVF 6.1 with VS 6.0. We are currently moving all our future development to .NET and currently I have a mechanism where we build CVF 6.1 projects from within .NET projects. The number of projects at this time is small, but will be expanding. I know we need to upgrade to a later version. The question is INTEL FORTRAN 6.0 or CVF 6.6 or some other FORTRAN. I know that we will need to upgrade again to a FORTRAN that is integrated with the VS 7.0 IDE. We have a large body of FORTRAN that has been built with MS/DEC/Compaq compiler over the years that will be moved to the .NET/VS 7.0 environment. We need to start the move NOW. It just seems to make seens to port/upgrade to an COMPAQ/INTEL version now to minimize the task later when the IDE version will be available next year.

Again. Thanks.


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