Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
28957 Discussions

Intel Visual Fortran Composer Xe on AMD Ryzen?

Hi, I am curious about compatibility of Intel Visual Fortran Composer with AMD Ryzen 5/7 processors. I am using Abaqus subroutines which need Fortran compiler in my daily works. For this purpose Intel Visual Fortran Composer Xe 2013 and VS 2012 is installed on my computer. I want to upgrade my old machine(i7 4500u) with an AMD ryzen (5 or 7) one. In this case, will I encounter problems with the running of the software I mentioned before? Thank you
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Honored Contributor III

Intel Fortran Composer has been phased out. The current product, OneAPI, is free to download and use, and does not require a license. You can buy a support contract, however, if you wish.

Use this link to obtain he current version of the OneAPI HPC Toolkit. This toolkit includes the Intel OneAPI Fortran compiler. Take it for a test ride on your proposed system, and with the latest version of Abaqus, if possible.

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