Intel® Fortran Compiler
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NAG math library

I am looking for the best Math library out there.
As a physicists I use Fortran.
all i care is the math: monte carlo, ODE, algebra, non linear etc. (I dont need statistic and data analysis).

Do you recommend me on NAG? how much there library cost? Because I am individual they didnt reply me back.

BTW, my code is not parallel, i run the job from my desktop

If this is not the place to post this could you please recommend me a forum i can post my question?

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1 Reply
If you have Intel Visual Fortran, it comes with the Intel Math Kernel Library at no added charge, and this is a very good library with many of the domains you list. You can ask in our Math Kernel Library forum section for more information.

NAG is a popular library, especially in Europe. IMSL is another popular math library. Both are expensive.

If you're looking for a more general audience for your question, try the comp.lang.fortran newsgroup (available through Google Groups.)
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