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Hi, I am fairly new to OpenMP in fortran. I have the following code where a particle is evolving from the position x = 0 and this is governed by the equation dx = A*zeta*sqrt(dt). where I have two types of zeta, which is a Gaussian random number and a Unit variance uniform random number. As this problem is embarrassingly parallel, I was expecting a scaleup of equal proportions, but however, I couldn't find the code running faster than the optimized (-O3) ifort command. Can you kindly let me know where I can make changes in my code? I have also seen discussions on the random number generator function random_number(x) but was not able to follow it properly. Here is my code. My objective is to increase the value of N:
module parameters
implicit none
integer, parameter :: k = selected_int_kind(9)
real(8), parameter :: dt = 0.020d0 ! Time step
real(8), parameter :: T = 10.d0 ! Total time
real(8), parameter :: A = 1.d0 ! Constant
integer(k), parameter :: N = 1000000 ! Number of Trajectories
subroutine Gaussian_random_number(rand)
!! Generates a Gaussian random number from the uniform random number
!! generator using the Box-Muller transform
implicit none
real(8), intent(out) :: rand ! Subroutine output
real(8), parameter :: pi = 4.0d0 * atan(1.0d0) ! Value of pi
real(8) :: u1, u2 ! Two random numbers
!! Generating two uniform random numbers
call random_number(u1)
call random_number(u2)
!! Box-Muller Transform
rand = sqrt(-2.0d0 * log(u1)) * cos(2.0d0 * pi * u2)
end subroutine Gaussian_random_number
subroutine Uniform_random_number_with_unit_variance(rand2)
!! Generates a uniform random number between -sqrt(3) and + sqrt(3)
implicit none
real(8), intent(out) :: rand2
real(8) :: p, q
p = -sqrt(3.0d0)
q = sqrt(3.0d0)
call random_number(rand2)
rand2 = p + (q - p) * rand2
end subroutine Uniform_random_number_with_unit_variance
end module parameters
program Brownian_particle
use parameters
use omp_lib
implicit none
real(8) :: zeta ! Gaussian random noise
integer(8) :: Nt ! Number of time steps
integer(8) :: i, j ! Counters
real(8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: x_store
real(8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: x_store_sq
real(8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: x_store_sq_avg
real(8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: Time
!$ integer, parameter :: num_threads = 4
! For calculating the slope of the given data
real(8) :: sumx, sumy, sumxx, sumxy, xave, yave, slope
!$ call omp_set_num_threads(num_threads)
Nt = T/dt
allocate(x_store(Nt + 1, N), x_store_sq(Nt + 1, N))
allocate(x_store_sq_avg(Nt + 1), Time(Nt + 1))
forall (i = 1 : Nt + 1) Time(i) = (i - 1)*dt
x_store(1,:) = 0.0d0
call random_init(.true., .true.)
!$omp parallel do shared(x_store)
do j = 1, N
do i = 2, Nt
! call Uniform_random_number_with_unit_variance(zeta)
call Gaussian_random_number(zeta)
x_store(i, j) = x_store(i - 1, j) + A * zeta * sqrt(dt)
end do
end do
!$omp end parallel do
!$omp barrier
!c $omp parallel workshare
x_store_sq = x_store**2
x_store_sq_avg = sum(x_store_sq, dim=2)/size(x_store_sq, dim=2)
!c $omp end parallel workshare
!c omp barrier
! open (10, file = 'omp1.dat', status= 'replace')
! open(20, file = 'omp2.dat', status='replace')
! do i = 0, Nt
! write(10, '(1500F14.7)') Time(i+1), (x_store(i, j), j = 1, N)
! write(20, '(1000F14.7)') Time(i+1), x_store_sq_avg(i)
! end do
! close(10)
! close(20)
! Calculate the slope using linear regression (y=mx)
sumx = 0.0d0
sumy = 0.0d0
sumxx = 0.0d0
sumxy = 0.0d0
!c $omp parallel do reduction(+:sumx, sumy, sumxx, sumxy)
do i = 0, Nt
sumx = sumx + x_store_sq_avg(i)
sumy = sumy + Time(i+1)
sumxx = sumxx + x_store_sq_avg(i)*x_store_sq_avg(i)
sumxy = sumxy + x_store_sq_avg(i)*Time(i+1)
end do
!c $omp end parallel do
!c $omp barrier
xave = sumx / n
yave = sumy / n
slope = (sumxy - sumx*yave) / (sumxx - sumx*xave)
print *, 'The slope of the line is: ', slope
end program Brownian_particle
The commands I am using are as follows
ifort -O3 BP.f90 -o BP -Qopenmp
I am running this on my windows laptop with oneAPI. My laptop has an AMD Ryzen 5 5500U. The results should print the slope to be ~1.
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