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I have the following Fortran 90 code modified from https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-Fortran-Compiler/OpenMP-do-loop-efficiency/m-p/1258532
Program reshape_for_blas
Use, Intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, Only : wp => real64, li => int64
Use :: omp_lib
Implicit None
Real( wp ), Dimension( :, : ), Allocatable :: a
Real( wp ), Dimension( :, :, : ), Allocatable :: b
Real( wp ), Dimension( :, :, : ), Allocatable :: c1, c2, c3, c4, c5
Real( wp ), Dimension( :, : ), Allocatable :: d
Real( wp ), Dimension( :, : ), Allocatable :: e
Integer :: na, nb, nc, nd, ne
Integer :: la, lb, lc, ld
Integer( li ) :: start, finish, rate
Integer :: numthreads
numthreads = 6
call omp_set_num_threads(numthreads)
Write( *, * ) 'na, nb, nc, nd ?'
Read( *, * ) na, nb, nc, nd
ne = nc * nd
Allocate( a ( 1:na, 1:nb ) )
Allocate( b ( 1:nb, 1:nc, 1:nd ) )
Allocate( c2( 1:na, 1:nc, 1:nd ) )
Allocate( c3( 1:na, 1:nc, 1:nd ) )
Allocate( c4( 1:na, 1:nc, 1:nd ) )
Allocate( c5( 1:na, 1:nc, 1:nd ) )
Allocate( d ( 1:nb, 1:ne ) )
Allocate( e ( 1:na, 1:ne ) )
! Set up some data
Call Random_number( a )
Call Random_number( b )
c2(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
c3(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
c4(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
c5(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
! Call System_clock( start, rate )
! do la = 1, na
! do lb = 1, nb
! do lc = 1, nc
! do ld = 1, nd
! c3(la,lc,ld) = c3(la,lc,ld) + a(la,lb) * b(lb, lc, ld)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
! Call System_clock( finish, rate )
! Write( *, * ) 'Time for naive loop abcd ', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate
c3(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
Call System_clock( start, rate )
do ld = 1, nd
do lc = 1, nc
do lb = 1, nb
do la = 1, na
c3(la,lc,ld) = c3(la,lc,ld) + a(la,lb) * b(lb, lc, ld)
Call System_clock( finish, rate )
Write( *, * ) 'Time for naive loop dcba', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate
c3(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
Call System_clock( start, rate )
do ld = 1, nd
do lc = 1, nc
do la = 1, na
do lb = 1, nb
c3(la,lc,ld) = c3(la,lc,ld) + a(la,lb) * b(lb, lc, ld)
Call System_clock( finish, rate )
Write( *, * ) 'Time for naive loop dcab', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate
! Direct
Call System_clock( start, rate )
Call dgemm( 'N', 'N', na, ne, nb, 1.0_wp, a , Size( a , Dim = 1 ), &
b , Size( b , Dim = 1 ), &
0.0_wp, c2, Size( c2, Dim = 1 ) )
Call System_clock( finish, rate )
Write( *, * ) 'Time for straight dgemm ', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate
c5(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
Call System_clock( start, rate )
!$omp parallel
!$omp do private(la, lb, lc, ld) schedule(dynamic) reduction(+: c5)
do la = 1, na
do lc = 1, nc
do ld = 1, nd
do lb = 1, nb
c5(la,lc,ld) = c5(la,lc,ld) + a(la,lb) * b(lb, lc, ld)
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel
Call System_clock( finish, rate )
Write( *, * ) 'Time for naive loop omp dcba', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate
c5(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
Call System_clock( start, rate )
!$omp parallel
!$omp do private(la, lb, lc, ld) schedule(dynamic) reduction(+: c5)
do ld = 1, nd
do lc = 1, nc
do lb = 1, nb
do la = 1, na
c5(la,lc,ld) = c5(la,lc,ld) + a(la,lb) * b(lb, lc, ld)
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel
Call System_clock( finish, rate )
Write( *, * ) 'Time for naive loop omp dcba', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate
c5(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp
Call System_clock( start, rate )
!$omp parallel
!$omp do private(la, lb, lc, ld) schedule(dynamic) reduction(+: c5)
do ld = 1, nd
do lc = 1, nc
do la = 1, na
do lb = 1, nb
c5(la,lc,ld) = c5(la,lc,ld) + a(la,lb) * b(lb, lc, ld)
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel
Call System_clock( finish, rate )
Write( *, * ) 'Time for naive loop omp dcab', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate
!dgemm omp
Call System_clock( start, rate )
!$omp parallel
! Direct
Call dgemm( 'N', 'N', na, ne, nb, 1.0_wp, a , Size( a , Dim = 1 ), &
b , Size( b , Dim = 1 ), &
0.0_wp, c4, Size( c4, Dim = 1 ) )
!$omp end parallel
Call System_clock( finish, rate )
Write( *, * ) 'Time for straight dgemm method omp', Real( finish - start, wp ) / rate
do la = 1, na
do lc = 1, nc
do ld = 1, nd
if ( dabs(c3(la,lc,ld) - c5(la,lc,ld)) > 1.e-6 ) then
write (*,*) '!!! c5', la,lc,ld, c3(la,lc,ld) - c5(la,lc,ld)
if ( dabs(c4(la,lc,ld) - c3(la,lc,ld)) > 1.e-6 ) then
write (*,*) '!!! c4', la,lc,ld, c4(la,lc,ld) - c5(la,lc,ld)
if ( dabs(c2(la,lc,ld) - c3(la,lc,ld)) > 1.e-6 ) then
write (*,*) '!!! c2', la,lc,ld, c2(la,lc,ld) - c5(la,lc,ld)
End Program reshape_for_blas
I use ifort loop-v2.f90 -mkl=parallel -qopenmp to compile it. The input of na-nd
300 300 300 300 lead to
Time for naive loop dcba 2.18543500000000
Time for naive loop dcab 2.25414400000000
Time for straight dgemm 7.108299999999999E-002
Time for naive loop omp dcba 4.25462000000000
Time for naive loop omp dcba 0.548002000000000
Time for naive loop omp dcab 0.546911000000000
Time for straight dgemm method omp 0.234727000000000
not much speed up for OpenMP DGEMM. If I use 400 400 400 400 as input dimension, it leads to
e.g., !!! c4 1 364 262 261.365626269193,
inconsistent results.
May I know how to use OpenMP with DGEMM properly?
ifort version ifort (IFORT) 20190206
OS CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz
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!dgemm omp
Call System_clock( start, rate )
!$omp parallel
! Direct
Call dgemm( 'N', 'N', na, ne, nb, 1.0_wp, a , Size( a , Dim = 1 ), &
b , Size( b , Dim = 1 ), &
0.0_wp, c4, Size( c4, Dim = 1 ) )
!$omp end parallel
Call System_clock( finish, rate )
Assuming you are linking with the MKL parallel library (as opposed to the sequential library).
Also assume your system has 8 hardware threads...
The !$omp parallel creates a thread team of 8 threads
Each thread calling dgemm (with the parallel MKL library) enters MKL and each instance of MKL creates an OpenMP thread team of 8 threads. Now you have 64 threads running *** all 8 teams writing to same output array.
.OR. assume MKL sequential library loaded...
The !$omp parallel creates a thread team of 8 threads
Each thread calling dgemm (with the parallel MKL library) enters MKL and each instance of MKL uses the calling thread. Now you have the original 8 threads running *** all 8 threads writing to same output array.
The solution is to have the serial thread call the MKL threaded library dgemm
Have each OpenMP parallel thread call the MKL sequential library using different output arrays (or different slices of the same output array).
(there are more advanced scenarios that you can use after you master this)
Jim Dempsey
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!dgemm omp
Call System_clock( start, rate )
!$omp parallel
! Direct
Call dgemm( 'N', 'N', na, ne, nb, 1.0_wp, a , Size( a , Dim = 1 ), &
b , Size( b , Dim = 1 ), &
0.0_wp, c4, Size( c4, Dim = 1 ) )
!$omp end parallel
Call System_clock( finish, rate )
Assuming you are linking with the MKL parallel library (as opposed to the sequential library).
Also assume your system has 8 hardware threads...
The !$omp parallel creates a thread team of 8 threads
Each thread calling dgemm (with the parallel MKL library) enters MKL and each instance of MKL creates an OpenMP thread team of 8 threads. Now you have 64 threads running *** all 8 teams writing to same output array.
.OR. assume MKL sequential library loaded...
The !$omp parallel creates a thread team of 8 threads
Each thread calling dgemm (with the parallel MKL library) enters MKL and each instance of MKL uses the calling thread. Now you have the original 8 threads running *** all 8 threads writing to same output array.
The solution is to have the serial thread call the MKL threaded library dgemm
Have each OpenMP parallel thread call the MKL sequential library using different output arrays (or different slices of the same output array).
(there are more advanced scenarios that you can use after you master this)
Jim Dempsey
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Thank you so much for your answer! I am sorry for my late reply.
Looks like, there is an option in mkl,
ifort mkl=parallel -qopenmp
ifort mkl -qopenmp
is =parallel "Have each OpenMP parallel thread call the MKL sequential library..."?
In the code, there seems to be three approaches:
1. In the question post
!$omp parallel
! Direct
Call dgemm( 'N', 'N', na, ne, nb, 1.0_wp, a , Size( a , Dim = 1 ), &
b , Size( b , Dim = 1 ), &
0.0_wp, c4, Size( c4, Dim = 1 ) )
!$omp end parallel
2. Remove the $omp
Call dgemm( 'N', 'N', na, ne, nb, 1.0_wp, a , Size( a , Dim = 1 ), &
b , Size( b , Dim = 1 ), &
0.0_wp, c4, Size( c4, Dim = 1 ) )
3. I got a reply from stackoverflow (I tried with lopenblas with gfortran)
Integer :: ithr, istart, iend
!$omp parallel private(ithr, istart, iend)
ithr = omp_get_thread_num()
! First index (plane) in B for the current thread
istart = ithr * nd / omp_get_num_threads()
! First index (plane) in B for the next thread
iend = (ithr + 1) * nd / omp_get_num_threads()
Call dgemm('N', 'N', na, nc * (iend - istart), nb, 1.0_wp, a, nd, &
b(1, 1, 1 + istart), Size(b, Dim = 1), &
0.0_wp, c6(1, 1, 1 + istart), Size(c6, Dim = 1))
!$omp end parallel
Together with
ifort mkl=parallel -qopenmp
ifort mkl -qopenmp
, there are 6 combinations. My experience is
(a)-1 and (b)-1 often got different results than nested loops. For other combinations, I don't find much difference in terms of timing and numthreads I put.
So far, it seems that, in ifort, I can use dgemm in mkl to speed up the matrix multiplication, but have not benefit from openmp.
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b) should be
ifort mkl=sequential -qopenmp
ifort mkl=parallel -qopenmp
! in Fortran code
! divvy up the threads amungst omp and mkl such that
! (omp #threads) * (mkl * threads) <= omp_max_threads()
! the reduced value for OMP threads is to be determined through experimentation
call omp_set_num_threads(i_your_choice_for_number_of_threads_for_omp)
call mkl_set_num_threads(max(omp_get_max_threads()/i_your_choice_for_number_of_threads_for_omp,1))
!$omp parallel
Jim Dempsey
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!$omp parallel
! Direct
Call dgemm( 'N', 'N', na, ne, nb, 1.0_wp, a , Size( a , Dim = 1 ), &
b , Size( b , Dim = 1 ), &
0.0_wp, c4, Size( c4, Dim = 1 ) )
!$omp end parallel
The above will have each OpenMP (assuming mkl=parallel) having MKL compute the same result into c4.
What you should be doing is to partition the sources and destinations such to produce unique subsets of outputs. This is called tiling (or division of work).
As to how you proportion the work between OMP and MKL, that is subject to experimentation.
Jim Dempsey
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By comparing the time with
numthreads = 1
numthreads = 6
I saw speedup of dgemm, in the input as 400 400 400 400. Thank you so much!
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I thought it might be helpful to identify some changes to the code to improve OpenMP performance for the computation identified involving DO loops.
The main points are:
DO loop order: it is best to order the DO loops:
* so that memory is used sequentially ( for the inner DO )
* that different threads address different parts of memory to limit cache coherence problems, as well as “race conditions” ( for the outer OMP DO loop)
* SCHEDULE can also effect memory use order and SCHEDULE(STATIC) is good for memory control, while SCHEDULE(DYNAMIC) can be preferred when load sharing between threads is an important issue.
I have used a timer function, DELTA_SECOND, which is not thread safe, but as it is only used outside the !$OMP region this can be ok, while any functions used inside the !$OMP region must be thread safe.
The basic calculation is "c5(la,lc,ld) = c5(la,lc,ld) + a(la,lb) * b(lb, lc, ld)"
As "ld" is the outer (Fortran) dimension, this is the best for !$OMP DO. Also "nd" is much larger than "num_threads" so there is no need for the COLLAPSE clause to be used, while if nd & nc are about num_threads or less, COLLAPSE(2) could be useful.
In this case, la is the best choice for the inner loop, or even use array syntax, resulting in "c5(:,lc,ld) = c5(:,lc,ld) + a(:,lb) * b(lb, lc, ld)", which is basically daxpy syntax, with "b(lb, lc, ld)" being a constant. This is much preferred to lb as the inner loop, while "lc" as the inner loop would generate excessive memory access, unless "num_threads" times size "c5(la,:,ld)" and "b(lb, :, ld)" could fit in L3 cache.
The other point I would make is it is best to explicitly define all variables and arrays as either SHARED, PRIVATE or REDUCTION and it is best that private arrays are initially zero. This can eliminate a lot of unexpected results.
!$omp parallel do default(none) private(lb, lc, ld) shared(a,b,c6, nb,nc,nd) schedule(static)
I have modified the original code to demonstrate more do loop order alternatives that were in the original post.
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