Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28952 Discussions

Performance of vectorized code in ifort and ifx

New Contributor I

I was interested in comparing loop-based Fortran code vs vectorized code, both in **ifort** and in **ifx**. Just to avoid misunderstandings, the definition of "vectorizing" that I am using is the following: I vectorize if I replace this code

do i=1,n
yvec(i) = exp(xvec(i))

with the following code:

yvec = exp(xvec)

With this in mind, I coded the dynamic programming example in three different subroutines:
+ **bellman_op**, which is the benchmark based entirely on loops (three do loops)
+ **bellman_op_vec**, which is partially vectorized (I eliminated the innermost loop over a')
+ **bellman_op_vec2**, which is even more vectorized (I eliminated the two innermost loops)

bellman_op is here:

subroutine bellman_op(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is loop-based and can be parallelized with OpenMP
! For vectorized versions, see subroutine bellman_op_vec, bellman_op_vec2
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:)
integer :: a_c, z_c, ap_c, ap_ind
real(8) :: a_val, z_val, aprime_val, cons, v_max, v_temp

! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))

! Step through the state space
!$omp parallel if (par_fortran==1) default(shared) &
!$ private(z_c,a_c,a_val,z_val,v_max,ap_ind,ap_c,aprime_val,cons,v_temp)
!$omp do collapse(2)
do z_c=1,n_z
do a_c=1,n_a
! Current states
a_val = a_grid(a_c)
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Initialize v_new
v_max = large_negative
ap_ind = 0
! Choose a' optimally by stepping through all possible values
do ap_c=1,n_a
aprime_val = ap_grid(ap_c)
cons = R*a_val + z_val - aprime_val
if (cons>0.0d0) then
v_temp = f_util(cons) + beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
!v_temp = f_util(cons) + beta*sum(v(ap_c,:)*z_tran(z_c,:))
if (v_temp>v_max) then
v_max = v_temp
ap_ind = ap_c
end if
enddo !end a'
v_new(a_c,z_c) = v_max
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = ap_grid(ap_ind)
!$omp enddo
!$omp end parallel

end subroutine bellman_op

``` fortran
subroutine bellman_op_vec(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is partially vectorized (eliminated loop over a')
! For a loop-based version, see subroutine bellman_op
! For a fully vectorized version, see subroutine bellman_op_vec2
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:), cons(:), v_temp(:)
integer :: a_c,z_c,ap_ind,ap_c
real(8) :: a_val,z_val


! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))

! Step through the state space
!$omp parallel if (par_fortran==1) default(shared) &
!$ private(z_c,a_c,a_val,z_val,ap_ind,ap_c,cons,v_temp)
!$omp do collapse(2)
do z_c=1,n_z
do a_c=1,n_a
! Current state
a_val = a_grid(a_c)
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Compute consumption
cons = R*a_val + z_val - ap_grid ! (n_ap,1)
! NOTE: where and merge are slower than forall
! NOTE: forall and do concurrent are equivalent with ifort
! but do concurrent is very slow with ifx!
!where (cons>0.0d0)
! util = f_util(cons) ! (n_ap,1)
! util = large_negative
!end where
!util = merge(f_util(cons),large_negative,cons>0.0d0)
! v_temp = large_negative
! do concurrent (ap_c=1:n_a, cons(ap_c)>0.0d0)
! v_temp(ap_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
! enddo
v_temp = large_negative
forall (ap_c=1:n_a, cons(ap_c)>0.0d0)
v_temp(ap_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
end forall
ap_ind = maxloc(v_temp,dim=1)
v_new(a_c,z_c) = v_temp(ap_ind)
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = a_grid(ap_ind)
!$omp enddo
!$omp end parallel

end subroutine bellman_op_vec

and finally bellman_op_vec2:
``` fortran
subroutine bellman_op_vec2(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is partially vectorized (eliminated loops over a and a')
! For a loop-based version, see subroutine bellman_op
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:), cons(:,:), v_temp(:,:)
integer, allocatable :: ap_ind(:)
integer :: z_c,ap_c,a_c
real(8) :: z_val


! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))

! Step through the state space
do z_c=1,n_z
! Current state
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Compute consumption
cons = R*a_grid2 + z_val - ap_grid2 ! (n_ap,n_a)
v_temp = large_negative
forall (a_c=1:n_a,ap_c=1:n_ap, cons(ap_c,a_c)>0.0d0)
v_temp(ap_c,a_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c,a_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
end forall
! v_temp is a 2-dim array(a',a), we need to find the max along a'
ap_ind = maxloc(v_temp,dim=1)
v_new(:,z_c) = maxval(v_temp,dim=1)
pol_ap(:,z_c) = a_grid(ap_ind)

end subroutine bellman_op_vec2
What I have found, to my partial surprise, is that the vectorized versions are either the same or worse than the loops-based version and that ifx is much slower than ifort (these might be two totally separate issues, but I didn't want to write two posts). Here are the timings (I report the median time across 10 runs for each case)

|Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | C
|--- | --- | --- | ---|
|Version | Time in secs (IFORT) | Time in secs (IFX) | |
|All loops (bellman_op) | 0.78 | 1.63 | |
|Vectorized loop over a' (bellman_op_vec) | 0.75 | 1.8 | |
|Vectorized loops over a' and a (bellman_op_vec2) | 1.3 | 2.18 | |

Other observations:

1. When working with arrays in the vectorized code, I found that the constructs `where` and `merge` are slower than `forall` or `do concurrent`. In **ifort**, `forall` and `do concurrent` give similar performance, whereas in **ifx** `do concurrent` is super slow. All the timings reported above are based on `forall` for the vectorized versions.
2. As compilation flags I use the following
`/O3 /fast /Qmkl /Qopenmp /Qparallel`
but **ifx** returns the warning that `/Qparallel` is not supported. This might be a problem because can the compiler optimize the forall and do concurrent without the parallel option?

If someone is interested in replicating my code, I attach here below the full version. The above code is also available on github [here](

``` fortran
! Title: Solving the income fluctuation problem with vectorization/parallelization
! Author: Alessandro Di Nola
! References:
! (1)
! (2) Dynamic Programming on the GPU via JAX
! QE note
module mod_numerical
implicit none

public :: linspace


function linspace(my_start, my_stop, n)
! Purpose: replicate Matlab function <linspace>
implicit none
! Inputs:
integer :: n
real(8) :: my_start, my_stop
! Function result:
real(8) :: linspace(n)
! Locals:
integer :: i
real(8) :: step, grid(n)

if (n == 1) then
grid(n) = (my_start+my_stop)/2.d0
elseif (n>=2) then
grid(1) = my_start
if (n>2) then
step = (my_stop-my_start)/(real(n-1,8))
do i = 2, n-1
grid(i) = grid(i-1) + step
end do
end if
grid(n) = my_stop
linspace = grid

end function linspace

end module mod_numerical

module mod_globals
implicit none

real(8), parameter :: large_negative = -1.0d10
character(len=*), parameter :: savedir = "output\"
real(8) :: R, beta, gamma, a_min, a_max, rho, sig_z
integer :: n_a, n_z, n_ap, par_fortran

real(8), allocatable :: a_grid(:), ap_grid(:), z_grid(:), z_tran(:,:)
real(8), allocatable :: a_grid2(:,:), ap_grid2(:,:) !needed for vectorized code


elemental function f_util(c) result(util)
! Purpose: utility function
! Assumption: c is positive, this is enforced
! elsewhere in the code
real(8), intent(in) :: c
real(8) :: util

if (abs(gamma-1.0d0)<1.0d-6) then
util = log(c)
util = c**(1.0d0-gamma)/(1.0d0-gamma)

end function f_util

end module mod_globals

module mod_vfi
use mod_globals
use omp_lib
implicit none

public :: bellman_op, bellman_op_vec, bellman_op_vec2


subroutine bellman_op(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is loop-based and can be parallelized with OpenMP
! For vectorized versions, see subroutine bellman_op_vec, bellman_op_vec2
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:)
integer :: a_c, z_c, ap_c, ap_ind
real(8) :: a_val, z_val, aprime_val, cons, v_max, v_temp

! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))

! Step through the state space
!$omp parallel if (par_fortran==1) default(shared) &
!$ private(z_c,a_c,a_val,z_val,v_max,ap_ind,ap_c,aprime_val,cons,v_temp)
!$omp do collapse(2)
do z_c=1,n_z
do a_c=1,n_a
! Current states
a_val = a_grid(a_c)
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Initialize v_new
v_max = large_negative
ap_ind = 0
! Choose a' optimally by stepping through all possible values
do ap_c=1,n_a
aprime_val = ap_grid(ap_c)
cons = R*a_val + z_val - aprime_val
if (cons>0.0d0) then
v_temp = f_util(cons) + beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
!v_temp = f_util(cons) + beta*sum(v(ap_c,:)*z_tran(z_c,:))
if (v_temp>v_max) then
v_max = v_temp
ap_ind = ap_c
end if
enddo !end a'
v_new(a_c,z_c) = v_max
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = ap_grid(ap_ind)
!$omp enddo
!$omp end parallel

end subroutine bellman_op

subroutine bellman_op_vec(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is partially vectorized (eliminated loop over a')
! For a loop-based version, see subroutine bellman_op
! For a fully vectorized version, see subroutine bellman_op_vec2
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:), cons(:), v_temp(:)
integer :: a_c,z_c,ap_ind,ap_c
real(8) :: a_val,z_val


! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))

! Step through the state space
!$omp parallel if (par_fortran==1) default(shared) &
!$ private(z_c,a_c,a_val,z_val,ap_ind,ap_c,cons,v_temp)
!$omp do collapse(2)
do z_c=1,n_z
do a_c=1,n_a
! Current state
a_val = a_grid(a_c)
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Compute consumption
cons = R*a_val + z_val - ap_grid ! (n_ap,1)
! NOTE: where and merge are slower than forall
! NOTE: forall and do concurrent are equivalent with ifort
! but do concurrent is very slow with ifx!
!where (cons>0.0d0)
! util = f_util(cons) ! (n_ap,1)
! util = large_negative
!end where
!util = merge(f_util(cons),large_negative,cons>0.0d0)
! v_temp = large_negative
! do concurrent (ap_c=1:n_a, cons(ap_c)>0.0d0)
! v_temp(ap_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
! enddo
v_temp = large_negative
forall (ap_c=1:n_a, cons(ap_c)>0.0d0)
v_temp(ap_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
end forall
ap_ind = maxloc(v_temp,dim=1)
v_new(a_c,z_c) = v_temp(ap_ind)
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = a_grid(ap_ind)
!$omp enddo
!$omp end parallel

end subroutine bellman_op_vec

subroutine bellman_op_vec2(v_new,pol_ap, v)
! Purpose: Bellman operator, it does one step of the VFI
! This version is partially vectorized (eliminated loops over a and a')
! For a loop-based version, see subroutine bellman_op
implicit none
! Inputs:
real(8), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
! Outputs:
real(8), intent(out) :: v_new(:,:), pol_ap(:,:)
! Locals:
real(8), allocatable :: EV(:,:), cons(:,:), v_temp(:,:)
integer, allocatable :: ap_ind(:)
integer :: z_c,ap_c,a_c
real(8) :: z_val


! Compute expected value function EV(a',z) = sum over z' of v(a',z')*z_tran(z,z')
EV = matmul(v,transpose(z_tran))

! Step through the state space
do z_c=1,n_z
! Current state
z_val = z_grid(z_c)
! Compute consumption
cons = R*a_grid2 + z_val - ap_grid2 ! (n_ap,n_a)
v_temp = large_negative
forall (a_c=1:n_a,ap_c=1:n_ap, cons(ap_c,a_c)>0.0d0)
v_temp(ap_c,a_c) = f_util(cons(ap_c,a_c))+beta*EV(ap_c,z_c)
end forall
! v_temp is a 2-dim array(a',a), we need to find the max along a'
ap_ind = maxloc(v_temp,dim=1)
v_new(:,z_c) = maxval(v_temp,dim=1)
pol_ap(:,z_c) = a_grid(ap_ind)

end subroutine bellman_op_vec2

end module mod_vfi

program main
use mod_globals
use mod_vfi
use mod_utilities, only: disp,writescalar,writedim
use mod_numerical, only: linspace
use omp_lib

implicit none

! Declarations
integer :: istat,it,verbose,maxit,z_c,a_c,method
real(8) :: t1,t2,err,tol
!integer, allocatable :: pol_ap_ind(:,:)
real(8), allocatable :: V(:,:),V_new(:,:),pol_ap(:,:),pol_c(:,:)

write(*,*) "Starting program..."

! ---------------------- Set numerical parameters ----------------------!
method = 1 ! 0: loop-based, 1: vectorized, 2: vectorized2
verbose = 1 ! If 1, print iteration info
par_fortran = 0 ! If 1, parallelize with OpenMP
tol = 1.0d-6 ! Tolerance for VFI
maxit = 1000 ! Maximum number of iterations

! ---------------------- Set economic parameter values ----------------------!
R = 1.03d0 ! Gross interest rate, R = 1+r
beta = 0.96d0 ! Discount factor
gamma = 1.0d0 ! Coeff. rel. risk aversion (if 1, log utility)

! ---------------------- Set grids and probabilities ------------------------!
a_min = 0.0d0 ! Minimum value of asset grid
a_max = 4.0d0 ! Maximum value of asset grid
n_a = 1000 ! Number of grid points for a (state variable)
n_ap = n_a ! Number of grid points for a' (choice variable)
a_grid = linspace(a_min,a_max,n_a)
ap_grid = a_grid
!call disp("a_grid = ",a_grid(1:100))
! Expand a_grid to 2D
if (istat/=0) error stop "Allocation of a_grid2 and ap_grid2 failed!"

do a_c=1,n_a
a_grid2(a_c,:) = a_grid !varies along rows
ap_grid2(:,a_c) = ap_grid !varies along columns

!call disp("a_grid2 = ",a_grid2)
!call disp("ap_grid2 = ",ap_grid2)

n_z = 2 ! Number of grid points for z (shock)
if (istat/=0) error stop "Allocation of z_grid and z_tran failed!"

z_grid = [0.5d0,1.0d0]
! Transition matrix for z (rows sum to 1)
z_tran(1,:) = [0.6d0,0.4d0]
z_tran(2,:) = [0.05d0,0.95d0]

!call disp("z_grid = ",z_grid)
!call disp("z_tran = ",z_tran)

! ---------------------- Initialize value function ----------------------!
if (istat/=0) error stop "Allocation of V and pol_ap failed!"

V = 0.0d0 ! Initial guess for value function
it = 1
err = tol+1.0d0

write(*,*) "Starting VFI..."
write(*,*) "Method = ",method
t1 = omp_get_wtime()

do while (err>tol .and. it<maxit)

if (method==0) then
call bellman_op(V_new,pol_ap, V)
elseif (method==1) then
call bellman_op_vec(V_new,pol_ap, V)
elseif (method==2) then
call bellman_op_vec2(V_new,pol_ap, V)
error stop "Invalid method!"
err = maxval(abs(V_new-V))

if (verbose==1) then
write(*,*) "Iteration ",it," error = ",err

! Update
V = V_new
it = it + 1

t2 = omp_get_wtime()

write(*,*) "============================================================="
write(*,*) 'VFI runs for',real(t2-t1),'seconds.'
write(*,*) "============================================================="

! Compute policy function for consumption
do z_c=1,n_z
pol_c(:,z_c) = R*a_grid + z_grid(z_c) - pol_ap(:,z_c)

write(*,*) "Writing results to file..."
call sub_write()


subroutine sub_write()
! NOTE: The subroutines writescalar and writedim are defined in mod_utilities
! If you don't have mod_utilities, just comment out the calls to these subroutines
call writescalar(n_a,trim(savedir)//'n_a.txt')
call writescalar(n_z,trim(savedir)//'n_z.txt')

! Write grids and probs to files
call writedim(z_grid,trim(savedir)//'z_grid.txt')
call writedim(a_grid,trim(savedir)//'a_grid.txt')
call writedim(V,trim(savedir)//'V.txt')
call writedim(pol_ap,trim(savedir)//'pol_ap.txt')
call writedim(pol_c,trim(savedir)//'pol_c.txt')
!call writedim(mu,trim(savedir)//'mu.txt')

end subroutine sub_write

end program main

Note that in the code there are some **openMP** directives but they are not used at the moment (since the variable `par_fortran` is set to zero).

Any comment or suggestion on how to improve the code is welcome! (Including on how to get rid of the smile face in some array definitions :slight_smile:
Overall, I find it quite odd that ifx gives a code that is significantly slower compared to ifort and that now Intel says that ifort is deprecated.

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1 Reply

I found the missing post. It's not marked as spam. 

Let's see if this reply sends an email.


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